Part 28 : Lingerie

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After some days

Hayley's POV

"How is the mission going on?"
Vini said as we were alone in my cabin in Kindergarten.

"Not good."

"Why? What happened?"

"Adrian's faith on me is fading slightly. He doesn't spend time with me, the way he used to do early... Now a days in talks he finds out that I have lied to him... He has started doubting me a little. He questions me when I stutter while lying."

"Did you both had sex yet?"
My eyes widened as cheeks turned red on just the imagination of it.

"No we didn't."
I said quite in rush as I diverted my eyes to the drawings of the children kept on table.

She brought the chair near to mine and sat on it. She snatched the papers that I was holding. And turned my chair so now I was facing her.

"Did he ever ask for it to you?"

"Well not really, but I myself has seen sometimes, he really is horny... He never ask it directly but indirectly."

"And what you did? did you let him do it with you?"

"Well I never said yes to him but also never said no to him. If he will make a move. I'll co-operate."

"Its not the thing that you never refused him. The matter is you never told him that it's OK, just do it... He loves you so he will wait for you to say yes someday. C'mon its been months of your relationship."

"I'm on a mission."

"Well in that case, you should have done it more earlier."

"I never had sex with my honey traps before."

"Because earlier it wasn't a rival like Adrian. He is V of mafia world... He is in race to catch the throne of MK sir."

"So is Zee."
I said in case, if she forgets.

"Yeah but if Zee wants to sit on throne, she has to defeat V... And defeat him by your beauty."

"If its for beauty, I would have defeated him but, its love and its difficult to break his trust."

"If you don't do it, you will lose his trust as well as this mission... And if your love becomes a barrier to this mission then Arthur Uncle would really be upset."

I sighed and rubbed my face.

"What should I do?"

"Regain his trust, now by your beauty... By pleasure."

"What do you mean?"

"Have sex with him."

"How will that help?"

"When a woman becomes full nude in front of a man, then the man becomes full nude in front of her not only in terms of body but in mind and thoughts too....You will let him peek inside you, he will let you peek inside his mind and heart.... In short... When a girl gives her everything to man, the man's trust increases and becomes limitless..."

I sighed and closed my eyes knowing it will be painful, the day he will know that I have been cheating him... But just for dad.

"What if I flow into sex and pleasure? What if I lost into him, when we will do that? You know I love him."

"Then get lost into him... Let him think you really are his, though you're truly... And love... You have to control it yourself. I know it would be difficult to have sex with the person you love and also you have to stop your feelings for him but you're a mafia. And love is the only thing that can defeat a mafia."

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now