Part 55 : A bond of Hatred

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Hayley's POV

"Edward Harper... He was not an officer, rather a hidden cruel mafia..."
I was taking it all in when another bomb blasted.

"Do you know Annee Scott?"
My eyes snapped at MK uncle once I heard my mum's name.

"Hayley's mom... She was tortured by your dad... physically and Mentally."

It was like my ears went numb. I looked at Ian and clear hurt, pain and regret was visible in his eyes.

"Your dad was a mafia and your mom till the death of her life didn't get to know what her husband was.

Your dad was a ruthless mafia in race to throne. Back at 90's your dad, Hayley's dad and I were in the race to throne.

Your dad wanted to remove Scott from his way so that he can get the throne, he wasn't aware that I was in the race too or he might have tried to kill me too.

Your dad tortured your mom to know Arthur's whereabouts... And by that time I was selected as Mafia King.

I tried to capture your dad to kill him because in greed of the throne, a woman named Annee Scott died and I knew Hayley's mom since the start, even before I got to meet Arthur.

I tried to capture your dad but by that time Arthur had killed your parents.

I thought that he killed him just because your dad might have done anything wrong, so I left the case.

I wish I had not left it. Then your mom would have stayed alive... And I'm sorry for that."
I was clearly listening to him.

Adrian stumbled in his feet hearing his words and Marshall was like too numb to feel his physical pain. Stefan, Joseph and Vivian was also shocked hearing all of the untold truth.
And I... Broken.

"Arthur and I became friends after 2 years of that incident and there he told me that he regretted his decision to kill his best friend, but he never told me his best friend's name.

He told me that he killed them but they were not at fault and he survived his life in that regret. Regret of something he only thinks was a mistake...

That man of Arthur, who told him that your father didn't kill Hayley's mom and it was an accident... It was your uncle, the younger brother of Edward.

Who wanted to make Arthur feel regret for nothing. Clearly he was not in any position to kill him so he made him feel regret for his whole life.

He was the only one Marshall, one who took your responsibility from the hospital and became guardian for you all, for years.

He died not because of fire at the hotel but because I had killed him.

The day I killed him, I thought it was over... But I didn't knew that two souls were burning in a fake vengeance... Wanted to take revenge which was not a revenge at first place...

Hayley got tortured for nothing... She suffered this pain for nothing... Her family got snatched for nothing."
His voice broke down at last.

"And Taehyung it was not Scotts... Since the start, it was Harpers ON THE NEGATIVE SIDE!."

Adrian looked at me with guilt in his eyes. My eyes trailed to my dad's dead face.
I was too numb to even cry now.

"Three mistakes... Done by Edward, Arthur and me was...

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now