Part 9 : A Paradise

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Hayley's POV

"You go with Adrian, we will handle kids

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"You go with Adrian, we will handle kids."
Stella said to me eyeing at Adrian who was with some kids at some distance.

Did she caught me staring at him?!!

I looked at Vivian and she nodded. Now I have to check if Adrian is a mafia or not.

I went to him. He was sitting on a stone and kids were surrounded by him playing Rock, Paper, Scissors with him. I sat beside him and he looked at me and stared at me forget to continue his game.

His hands stopped at Rock, and kids were tapping his arm asking him to continue the game. But all he was doing is look at me with a small smile.

I waved my hand in front of his eyes but he didn't budged.

"Kids come here... We have hot dogs!"
Stella called from back. And all kids ran to her.

I know she called them purposely. Now enough of his stare. It was being creepy. I pinched his arm and he hissed.

"Where were you lost huh?"

"In your beauty."
He said casually making me flutter.

He looked back at kids and found them busy with their teachers.

"Will you come with me? I wanna show you something."


"Just come. Trust me."

He grabbed my hand and I kept silent following him. He took me behind the garden and to a wall where there were only large bushes.... Wait--- why bushes? What's with you Adrian?

He started tapping wall parts and at a point his hand crossed the bushes.
Wait- a secret door!!! He looked at me and smiled and entered in taking me too behind the bushes to a plane field with no one around. This can be mentioned as a paradise.

Such a place in New York, where only tall buildings reside. Its so impossible to find such a beautiful place.

A small piece of land with big borders and plane grass and wild bushes at corners and a small clean water pond where there were some small fishes too. Butterflies were flying here and there and birds chirping was clear. And A big tree with its branches and leaves spread in an umbrella shape.

"Very few people know about this area."
He said admiring this place.
"When I was 10 years old, I found this place, this land belonged to an old lady. She was very sweet and she became my friend but when I was a teenage, she passed away. Since then I never came here. I went abroad for studies.... Still I miss her very much. I used to call her Grandma. After so many years I am back here for first time."

"Its beautiful!"

"When the bus stopped here. I got memorised of my those old days. I was little hesitant to come here again but still I came. Do you know why?"
He asked looking at me.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now