Part 41 : The War Begins

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Adrian's POV

"What's happening here?"
I asked as I saw Joseph typing something in his laptop.

"Tracking her dad's number. That mother fucker needs to know that his daughter is suffering. Now every time you will torture her. I'll send her vulnerable state pic to her dad."

I sighed and sat on the sofa.

My phone rang and it was Stella. I looked at Joseph and he himself was confused.

"Why is she calling me?"
I asked.

"I don't know."
I picked up the call.

"Hello Ad... Hayley is not coming to kindergarten today? There is new year party in kindergarten."

"Sh-she is not well Stella. She is having fever."

"Oh... By the way, do you know where Vini is... She is also not picking up my calls. Ask Hayley if she may know!"

"I'll ask her... Can you send me Vivian's number?"

"Yeah sure... Tell Hayley to take rest I'll come over to meet her at evening."

"N-no... Stella... Not today..."


I looked at Joseph asking what can I say that his wife will believe.
He was also tensed.

"We are going to a date tonight. Trust me she is fine... Just fever... I'll take care of her."

"Oh okay... Then. I'm sending Vini's number."
She said and decline the call. Soon I got her number.

"Track the location of this number."
Joseph took the number tracking it.

He said gaining our attention.

"What happened?"
Marshall asked.

"The number is showing multiple locations... Even in pacific ocean. And thousands location in Korea."
I sighed.

"It can only be done by a hacker who is well trained."

"Vivian is the hacker of Scott group."

"What now?"

"Can we make a call to her?"
I asked.

"We can but she won't pick up if she knows its us."

"Don't let her know. You're a hacker."
Marshall said.

"If she can set multiple locations for her number. She can definitely know its us. By calling, she will get our number and then they can track our location."

"They already know our location. Vivian has come here already."
I said.
"Call her. I know she will pick up the call."

"Why are you so eager to talk to them?"
Marshall asked.

"Just wait Marshall."

He made call and as I expected she picked up the call.
"Hello... Hacker of Scott."

"Adrian, listen to me... Hayley loves you truly... She had told me herself. I'm her best friend and I know. Let her come here."

"I didn't called to talk about this."

"Adrian, Please... Try to understand... I'm ready to surrender myself... Just leave my daughter."
I saw Marshall clenching his jaw on hearing Scott's voice.

"You'll suffer the thing I suffered, when you tortured my mom and dad in front of me Mr. Fucking Scott."
Marshall spatted angrily.

"Marshall... I apologize for what I did. Hurt me. Torture me. Kill me for all I care... Leave my daughter out of this... Please."

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now