Part 39 : In the name of Love

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Adrian's POV

The sound of drizzling water drops from shower of warm water echoed in my ears. I was completely naked under shower calming my mind to some extent.

I placed my hand on the wall ahead me and breath heavily. I bit my lip when thinking about Hayley, brought me to tears again. My tears mixed with the water and a sob left my mouth.

I yelled and my voice echoed in washroom.

I started crying... Loudly releasing it all in the form of tears and anger.

In all this I was still wondering how was she in that room, it was so cold. Is she fine? But on other hand I know she deserves it.

I came out and went down and saw Stefan with his Med kit.

"Stefan bandage his hand."
Marshall said, and Stefan came to me. I sat on the sofa and he sat ahead me, taking my hand into his and started applying ointment to my wound.

"Ad... Where is Hayley?"
Stefan whispered and asked me as he didn't want Marshall to know it.

I looked at him.
"In my captive."
I replied and he was shocked hearing my cold voice when it was about her. Even I, myself was shocked.

"She is a bitch. Where is she? Adrian... I need to torture her."
Hyung said coming near us.

"You won't do anything to her."

"And why's that?"

"Because I won't let anyone torture her except me."

"Torture or touch Adrian?"

"Call it whatever you want Marshall... But I still have possession over that woman and I'm possessive about her."
I said looking at him and Stefan was looking at us little scared being between two mafias.

"I also need to avenge for my parents. I know I was adopted but still they were my parents too Adrian."

I sighed.
"Whatever you want to, tell me... Only I will touch her and torture her..."

"And I know your weak heart for her... You will show mercy on her. And showing mercy is not the sign of mafia."

"I'll follow your each order... But only I will enter in her room."
I said getting up.

"Please Marshall... Let only me just make her feel regret for what she did."
He looked at me and then sighed.

"Fine but if some day you showed mercy on her. I'll take my step."
I nodded.

"Adrian, you have to torture her... Not only physically, mentally too... And..."
He came near me such that his and my shoulder touched and tilting his head he whispered in my ears.
"Sexually too... That too mercilessly... She should feel pain, not pleasure."

My heart clenched at his words and gulping hard I nodded... Cause now I'll agree with his every order.
Stefan heard us too. I could read that through his expression.

A great water splash was heard followed by a loud gasp.

I ordered my man to throw cold water at her sleeping figure. She wiped her face and looked above at me.

She stood up with difficulty and her ankle twisted making her fall again. I clenched my jaw controlling my hands to hold her in my arms.

My hands turned into fist inside my pocket and I closed my eyes.
She is Scott's daughter Adrian... Have control over your heart.
I opened my eyes back and saw her struggling to stand.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now