Part 17 : Scoldings

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Adrian's POV

I felt some ticklish on my face followed by a sweet voice.

"Wake up Ian."
That's it, I opened my eyes and looked at that one face which I admire the most. She slept at guest room last night.

But I wanted to cuddle with her. I will ask her for it tonight. I smiled at her and she chuckled.

"Good morning."
She said sweetly and now I noticed she was laying on my half, upper body. I held her waist and kissed her lips.

"Good morning."
I said as I left her lips.

"Get up, Stefan has made pancakes."
She said tapping my shoulder.

I nodded and sat straight and she straightened the bed sheets. Totally wife material... I just can't wait to marry her. I imagine my future with her.

"Go and get freshen up then we will eat breakfast altogether."
She said clapping her hands like a kid. How can Marshall even think, she is from Scott's?

I get up from the bed and pulled her close crashing her figure to mine. She smiled. And I pecked her cheeks.

"Would you like to have bath with me?"
I felt her heartbeat against my chest rising. And I smirked.

"Umm... But I have already taken bath... Sorry!"
I laughed.

"Its too early... Go in."
She said and pushed me in washroom while I was laughing on her flustered face.

After doing all morning stuff and taking shower I came out just in towel hung, covering my lower part. I thought Hayley would be outside but damn she is inside and my bed was now full set and clean.

Well I don't mind being full naked in front of her though. I didn't care and went to her and back hugged her. Some droplets of water dripping from my body, soaked her cloth a little. Her hair smelled so nice. It was making me lose my senses.

She kept her hand, on my hands, that was around her waist.

"Why do you smell so nice everytime?"

"Maybe, shampoo and lotion that I use are of good quality."
She said and chuckled and turned and then she realised I was half naked.

Her jaw dropped and her eyes traveled to my good physique, from muscular chest to thin waist and abs.

"Do I look irresistible? Its OK you don't need to resist me."
She snapped out and slapped her cheeks cutely and I chuckled at her childish nature. I just can't imagine my life without her now.

Though she know now what am I, but still it feels like nothing changed. We are still kiddy like before.

She made me sit on bed and kept a hold on something which I guess was some med cream. She came to my back and slowly applied cream to the slight cuts that I got. Thankfully all small glass pieces was taken out yesterday.

"Did you treated your wound? Yours is deeper."
I said concerned.

"Stefan rebandaged my cut, it's fine now. And I can't let him touch you. Though he is also a man but you only belong to me."
She said applying cream blowing time to time. And I chuckled.

"Before also he has treated my many wounds, from a bullet on my chest to cuts on my thighs."

"Have you ever been shot?"

"I am a mafia, you forgot?"

"Yeah got it... But he is a doctor... I wish I was also a doctor. Then no one could touch you except me."

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