Part 25 : Heart clench

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Hayley's POV

I entered my mansion and guards saluted me. I nodded to them. One of the guard came and said.

"Good Morning Ma'am, Sir is in the meeting room."
I nodded and went upstairs to the meeting room.

As I entered in, I could smell the tense condition. I saw Dad sitting on the chair and he was angry. Beside stood Emerson with a silence face. Not too far stood Vini. They looked at me and I was unable to read their face expression. It was cold.

"Sit down."
Dad said. This was the first time he didn't welcomed me with a hug. Surely I have done a mistake. But I don't know what did I do?

None the less I sat on the chair. And he clicked the button of the radio which was just beside laying, that I noticed just right now.

My eyes widened when I heard what was played.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry to hurt you......
I can't afford to lose you... I can't bear that pain. I was just so madden when I saw him forcing you that I forget I showed you my mafia side. I'm sorry."

"I can understand. Don't blame yourself... Don't feel regret. I'm fine."
My voice was filled with fear and care... For him and it was so obvious.

"You won't leave me, seeing my this side right, you will not... Tell me."

"I would rather die than to lose you."

"I love you, I love you so damn much..."

"I love you too."
My voice sounded sincere...
And next we heard was soft sound like molding of lips as we had kissed after this.

For a long time there stayed a silence when with a sob my voice said...

"Why am I falling for you so deep, Adrian?"
And the radio stopped...

I gulped hard not knowing how did he found this audio record.

"So this is how your mission is going? You're loving him?"
Dad started the inquiry.

"How did you get the audio record?"


I flinched.
"It-It was an act."

"Then when he was unconscious, why you said you are falling for him?"
I looked down being caught.

"This was the second reason I didn't want you to be mafia."
I looked at him... You know how it feels when your dad is not proud of you... I felt that and my heart ached.


"Mafias aren't allowed to fall in love... Especially with their rival... HE IS FUCKING OUR RIVAL HAYLEY, HOW COULD YOU?"
He yelled and a tear escaped my eyes looking down. I don't wanna show my crying face to dad.

"For the audio record, The ear rings that Emerson had given you, had microchip."
My eyes snapped to look at Emerson and he looked down. I could do nothing but to blame him, for the situation I'm facing right now.

"And Vivian confirmed me that you love him."
My eyes snapped at Vini and she did no less than Emerson.

And I felt betrayed... Betrayed in friendship from two side... At same time.

"I can't wait anymore. I can't see you with my rival... I don't want diamonds... Kill him and come home."
He said and I got shocked. He was about to leave the room but stopped when I said.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now