Part 52 : Thread of Love : Twins

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15 years after...

At present time

Hayley's POV

"Stop here Ian."
I said as he stopped the car near a market.

"Why to stop?"

"To buy a gift for my dad and Emerson... Going to meet them after so long... Ian... Will you come with me?"

He said opening his seat belt, so did I and we hopped out of car and entered in the market.

I went near a flower shop and bought two bouquets, one of white roses and one of pink roses.

Taehyung paid for it when I was just taking out my phone. I smiled at him.

He smiled back and took one bouquet from me and then we bought some fruits for Lily and Daniel.

I bought some chocolates for my children. And then bought a beautiful bracelet for Lily that I really liked.

Then we hop in car back and then started driving while kids at back ate their chocolate with a sad face. Jeremy was asleep.

Beautiful evening sun rays hit my skin through car window.

I don't need to tell Ian where to go, he knows himself.

"What happened to you both?"
They looked at me and shook their head in unison.

"Just excited to meet Grandpa and Emerson uncle."

"You look everything but excited!"
They forced a smile and then car came to halt again.

"What happened?"
They asked.

"Wanna meet you grandpa and Emerson?"
They looked outside the window.

"Its graveyard... Mom!"

I sighed and looked at the bouquets that I was holding.

"I wish it wasn't a garve yard but a sweet home."
I said tears welling up in my eyes.

I blinked my eyes and got off the car. And then walked in the grave yard without waiting for anyone.

I walked in holding both of the bouquets.

I stopped in front of two graves holding my tears back.

Just ahead of these two graves there was a cherry blossom tree.

I stare at the names on the grave board written.

Emerson Wilson

Arthur Scott

I inhaled as smell of cherry blossom flowers filled my nostrils.

I kneeled down and touched my dad's grave.

"Missed me dad?"
I asked softly.

Petals of the cherry blossom fell on me and a powerful wind took my hair back and I felt like he kept his hands on my head blessing me.

"I missed you too."
I said as evening birds chirped while going to their homes.

I kept the white flower bouquet on my dad's grave and then my attention went to Emerson.

"Your cupcake is missing you.."
I said as another shower of blossoms came on my head with a powerful wind.

"Enough... Keep some petal shower for some special guests."
I said and kept the pink roses on his grave.

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