Part 16 : They? or You?

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Adrian's POV

We walked side by side, my arms around her waist and her whole body leaned on me. She had kept her eyes closed as I was there to guide her. It was dark, some park lights flashing, under moon light, and only two of us.

It was summer time with cool winds were blowing so we both had opened our coats to feel chilled air.

"I guess you are sleepy."
I said as her body weight was 80% leaned on me.

She chuckled still her eyes closed.
"I won't mind sleeping in your arms, though."

"I would love to hold you close to me while you're asleep."
She smiled and leaned up and kissed my cheek, and backed off.

I stopped walking and made her looked at me, I held her waist securely, one hand coming up to cup her back neck.

I leaned close closing my eyes and we were about to kiss when I heard some voice of movement of bushes. I started looking around, we still close.

"What happened?"
She asked.

"I guess, someone is looking at us."

"Then let them, I don't mind kissing you on the stage in front of millions."
She said sheepishly.

"No like, someone is maybe stalking us."
I said and focused at the bushes.

She held my cheeks.
"When this beauty is in front of you, you aren't allowed to look anywhere else."

I smiled and she tip-toed capturing my lower lip between hers. Her lips are as soft as silk, my lips fitted between hers as like made for her only. How bad I wish to kiss her all day and night!

She left my lips and rested her full foot on ground as her neck hurted leaning up, and also because I didn't cooperated. She pout and I laughed and leaned down. And made a pout of my lips, eyes closed as like ready to engulf her lips.

Before I could enjoy the moment of my life, I heard her shouting my name being all sacred.

Her words were cut off by crash and then snooze sound in my ears. I startled and was pushed to her figure, she held my shoulders keeping me straight.

I opened my eyes feeling stinging pain at my back neck. I looked at her face filled with love, care and concerned look. She was on an urge of crying looking at my blood.

She touched my neck and her lips trembled with fear looking at blood and that gave peace to my heart at the thought that, She cares for me, and wound in my body is felt by her too.

I clenched at the question which erupted a little late in my mind.

With that anger look on my face, I turned to look the person who couldn't dare to hit me from front but from back.

I saw a man wearing a full face mask, just his eyes visible. Surely he is one of my enemy. His hand held the wine bottle half crashed from which he hit on my back neck. Not only him, but in same attire there were like 20 men.

I covered Hayley's figure totally behind me and her fist clutched to my shirt as she was scared. I could hear her sobs which told that she is scared and crying. I turned and faced her.

"Nothing will happen to you... Just stand here, I will protect you."
I said and punched the man by looking at Hayley's eyes, who dared to hit me first.

I run and kicked the second one making him fall on ground. The third one was hit by me with his own knife. I wiped the blood at my lips and continued the fight.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now