Part 12 : Mission

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Hayley's POV

The car stopped in front of the club and I faced my side, Vivian.

"We will bring that man at the backside of the club. And soon we will set off. Ok."

Emerson who was at the back nodded fixing his gun in his belt.

"All the best guys."
Vivian said. We nodded at her.

"Vini, when I will say cut the power of the city, cut it then."
She nodded.

"I already hacked the system of electricity of this city. But it will stay only for 10 minutes, then the power will be back."

"We'll manage"
I said fixing gun in my belt.

I wore my mask and hopped out of our black Lamborghini followed by Emerson.

I had wore black skinny dress reaching till my thighs, a leather jacket on and long boots up till my knee. My hair bind up into a ponytail and a smoky make up hid behind my black mask.

The car drove at backside of the club.

"Let's go."
We proceeded inside the club, where dim lights were on, rock music was played on loud, couples making out here and there and teenagers were enjoying their moment of life on the dancing stage.

I mentioned in my mind to not create a scene and do the mission silently, without any violence.

"You're looking hot by the way."
Emerson commented behind me. I smiled and faced him giving him look of 'Flirting?'
He just shrugged and we went towards bar tender and ordered our drinks.

And we started running our eyes, here and there in search of that old man.


I said in low pitch voice, contacting her through my ear pod.

She responded back.

"Found him."
I said smirking looking at that old man who was sipping from his cigarette sitting between few girls in bikinis. The bag beside his leg has the drugs. Target found!

"Great Hayley, but here is a issue."
She said making me furrow my eyebrows. I looked at Emerson, we were in conference and he also heard it.
He also had same reaction like me.

"What issue?"

"There is one car already at back of the gate and the person beside the car has gun."


"Is he man of that smuggler?"

"I am not sure, OK keep your eyes on him, and turn off the headlights of the car so that he think it's only a still car. Be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll handle here."
I stopped the contacting line for now.

"Does that smuggler know about our plan?"
Emerson asked.

"It's impossible."
I said all puzzled up and gulped the drink in one go, which gave burning sensation to my throat.

And something made me look back at the entrance of the club. And that's when everything went up side down!

My eyes widened, as the man hot af entered, hands in pocket.

A whisper left my mouth and I covered my face with a mask, turning back to face Emerson.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now