Part 24 : What else I want?

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Hayley's POV

Half dead body of Maria tied on a chair in front of me.
"You better would have not involved kindergarten into your dirty tricks. No one else did but you."

I said and again hit her with whip. Sweat rolled through my temples as she screamed in pain.

"I'm sorry... I wanted to be like Zee... I just wanted to make a count of my kills like her and be in the race of throne."
She said through pain.

"So you decided to kill kids to make your count of kills... Zee never killed any innocent..."
I yelled and slapped her.
"Zee never did that... Zee only killed people like you."
I said pulling her hair gritting my teeth.

"How do you know? Maybe she had."
I clenched my jaw.

"Because I'm Zee."
I said calmly and her eyes widened.

I could say to her openly because Vini herself checked her and didn't found any chip or any type of recorder in her.

"And by now you know my torturing skills, no?... Congrats you experienced Zee's torturing."
I said.

"Kill her."
I ordered my men and left from there, last heard a gun shot...

I headed to home... I was very tired. It was dark now already. I changed into my previous outfit.

As I reached home and entered the hall. Adrian came and hugged me like he was waiting for me only. I hugged him back and he felt my tiredness.

"Are you OK?"
I nodded.

"I'm just tired."

"Did you ran a marathon?"

I nodded.
"With kids."

"Oh my angel, take care of yourself."
I left all of my weight on him and it felt so good. I felt safe and secure in his arms.

"Do you wanna take shower?"
I nodded still hugging him.

He carried me in his arms and hung my bag in his neck. I chuckled. He took me to my room.

I need to come in a same room with him soon. I marked that in my head.

He made me sit on the bathroom counter and I wrapped my legs around his waist.
"Won't you show me your tattoo?"

"The night we will make love."
I blushed looking down.

He came near and kissed my lips softly. He stare my eyes, his eyes carried so much love for me... I felt like the happiest girl ever born.

I captured his lips in a long kiss and wrapped my hand around his neck. He kissed me back with same passion.

"Whenever you are out... I feel uncomfortable... I want you by my side 24/7."
He said stopping kiss in between.

"I love you." I said sincerely.
"I love you too." and we again kissed...

After a few minutes we broke it...
"Well if you are tired, do you want me to help you in shower?"
He asked with a smirk on his lips. I chuckled at his naughty nature.

"No... Go out."
I said and pushed him.

"We are boyfriend girlfriend, Hayley."
He whined.

"The night we will make love, you will see me all on that night only."
I said and closed the door.

I cursed under my breath as I saw blood coming out of my vagina.

My periods started... God I hate them so much.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now