Part 48 : Yours and mine

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April's POV

I was checking on some reports of patients when I got a call from Lily. It's rare... She always text me when she needs something. She is not into calls. Why is she calling me?

I picked up the call.
"Hello Lily..."

"Lisa.... Haze is not picking up my calls. I told Adrian to make me talk to her but he didn-"

"It's because they have gone to foreign land... Hayley's phone has broken... And Adrian must have forgot."

"What?... But Adrian told me... That Hayley faced a small accident."

"How is that even possible? Why would she lie to me?"

"If what you said is true then why would Adrian lie to me?"

"Do you have anyone you know who is related to Hayley?"

"Vivian. She has been her closest friend. But she is not picking up my calls. I'm getting worried for Hayley. Does Emma know about her?"

"If she would have then she must had told me. She doesn't know anything. What about Stella? Do you have her number?"

"I guess I have."

"Take her in conference."

The phone went in hold as she took her in conference.


"Hello Stella... April here."

"What happened?"

"Do you know where Hayley is?"

"I-I don't know."

"Actually... Adrian told me that she had a small accident and that's why she needs rest and can't talk right now."

"And Hayley herself in call told me that she is going to foreign land and her phone is broken that's why she is unable to talk."

"I... I don't know anything... Hayley has not came to kindergarten too for quite few days."

"Unnie... I'm going to Adrian's house with Daniel."

"Lily... Your exams are going on. You can't. Don't worry... I'll go."
I suggested.

"Why to go anywhere? Just ask him in call."
Stella suggested.

"Maybe they both said that intentionally. Adrian may just know that she faced an accident and Hayley didn't want you to worry, April so she told her phone is broken."

"Yeah... There are possiblities... But I want to talk to her."

"She must have gone to foreign land. Its waste to go to his house. I'm sure Adrian may have also accompanied her. You call him. He'll make you talk to him..."

"Yeah ok."

Hayley's POV

I opened my eyes slowly and saw just white ceiling on above. I looked at my chest and found it completely bandaid. I sighed.

It was still paining but a little less from earlier. I peeked inside blanket. I was still naked.

There was no one in the room. I got up slowly and went to washroom. I cleaned myself and wore an off shoulder top ending at my navel and track on.

I came out and found Lia with tray of food. Bedsheet was replaced and blanket was changed because it had become red because of my blood. And room was also cleaned.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now