Part 50 : Only You

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Vivian's POV

Days rolled down and converted into a whole damn week. Stefan didn't went to mansion anymore. And that's why the chip still couldn't get the location of control room.

We were getting continuous pics of Hayley being deadly injured, but no doctor is going there.

Either they are being too harsh on her, not giving her medical treatment or Hayley is not being injured and it's fake.

I didn't show pics to Uncle or Emerson. They will react without thinking.

"What's happening there in his mansion? Why is there no update, Vivian?"

"Uncle, Stefan has not gone to the mansion after the last time. I don't know why."

Suddenly my watch started beeping and my eyes widened.

"What happened?"
Uncle asked while Emerson stood straight confused.

I pulled out my laptop and opened it.

"The chip is going towards mansion... Stefan is going to mansion."

"Be active... Get our troops ready... As soon the cameras and electricity is hacked. We'll attack."
Uncle ordered and Emerson nodded going out to make our troops ready.

I stared at the screen as blue dot was going towards the mansion.

Few hours ago

Adrian's POV

"Any update from Arthur?"
I asked Joseph. And he shook his head.

"Lia in your presence, Sir."
She said saluting.

"She is feeling unwell. She has vomitted twice since two days... Maybe she has food poisoning."

"She is just faking it all. So that she can contact Stefan. No need to show mercy on her Adrian."
Marshall said sipping on his coffee.

"Give her medicines."

"I've tried to give her but she is refusing to eat it..."

"Tell her it's not a hotel and we are not providing her any service... That she will ask for doctor, and she will get."
Marshall said.

"Lia... Stay with her and keep updating me."
She nodded and went.

"Look at her... The audacity she is holding to demand for doctors."

"She didn't demanded."

"Stop taking her side. She is just making excuses to get your sympathy... And why Arthur is not coming to beg us yet... Maybe they have known that we are just faking it."

"It's nearly impossible... The edit was of high quality.."
Joseph said.

"They are mafias... They may guess it... Adrian, I'm telling you... Torture her, and this time send a video clip to Arthur."

"I won't torture her... That's it."

"You have to... Let's end this stupid mission."

"It will end... But Hayley won't get any pain now."

"Don't be selfish in love Adrian... Don't forget what our parents had gone through."

"I'm not forgetting anything Marshall and please stop irritating me, asking me to torture her again and again."
I said getting up.

"I'm irritating you? You have said that you'll follow my order, if she turns out to be one of our rivals."
He said getting up and kept the cup on the table.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now