Part 19 : Love or Work?

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Adrian's POV

"Tomorrow is Mafia Party. "
Marshall said.

Hayley is in kindergarten. And it's time she will be back. I asked her if she need me to come over to pick her up but she refuse. We both were eating lunch. It was a long time we ate lunch together.

"Yeah... I remember."

"MK sir has specially invited us..."

"Why won't he? We have been ruling the underworld now... After him."
I said with pride.

"If it wasn't him, we were nothing... He helped us to be mafia."


"We won't be returning early tomorrow night, so better tell your so-called-girlfriend about it, making a excuse."

"I'll manage. I'll talk to her today evening... Well, what about diamonds? When are they coming?"

Hayley's POV

Dear Mom

I don't know what I am feeling right now... Everything seems like messed up...

I'm trying not to fall for Adrian. But I can't stop me. Why do I felt like telling him that I am not a virgin anymore? Why do it hurt me, even thinking that he might go to concubines? Why do I feel jealous when I see other girl beside him? Why do I want myself to surrender to him? Why does it hurt me, the fact that in end I have to kill him?

I don't want to kill him and at the same time I don't want to disappoint my dad...

Disappointing him is nearly a death for me.

What's up with me? Why does it hurts me? Why in all the men in earth I had to fall for him? Why in all men he is the one who makes me feel warm? Why I feel safe around him, even if he is my rival, when he is eager to torture one and only, Scott's child which is no other but me?

Why in all those whom I honey trapped earlier, he is the one who touched my heart? Why does his touch gives me butterflies? Why is his touch different from that of Emerson and Samuel? Why do his kisses feel different than to the ones I did with Samuel?

Why am I losing to you Adrian? Why to your heart? Why does it all have to be turn like this?

Why am I falling in love with you more when you are my enemy?
Just why???

"God Hayley I can't believe, he did come to me, to take care of me."
Emma shouted in excitement on phone as I picked her call.

Kindergarten just ended now and I'm here to look for taxi.

"That's good. What happened?"

"He is so caring. He made hot soup for me. Provided me medicines. Kept changing the wet cloth on my forehead. I feel like he likes me too. When I asked him, why is he helping me. He got silent. He thought for a bit and then stuttered saying he doesn't know... That look on his face was so cute..."

"Go on with some acts, not too late he will confess his feelings to you."

"Yeah thank you and love you very much."

"Its fine."

"By the way, it's your birthday tomorrow... Let's do party."

"Tomorrow night, I'll be with Adrian... I will give you all party tomorrow noon."

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now