Part 15 : Onto a mission

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Hayley's POV

April held Emma's hand and run towards me.

"Hey, wait who is he?"
April asked.

"Oh, he is my boyfriend, Adrian... And this is April and this is Emma, my school time friends."

April shook hand with Adrian.

"Nice to meet you."

Adrian forwards his hand to Emma and after few seconds she accepted it and shook hand.

"You won't mind, if your date is converted to a friend's dinner."
Lisa said and Adrian chuckled and nodded

"It's a nice way to get together with my girlfriend's friends."

"Thank you."
April went and sat beside Adrian and Emma sat beside me at corner side. At my front sat Lisa and beside her Adrian.

April called waiter and ordered tons of food. I facepalm myself on her childish behavior.

"And 4 glasses wine. And Emma, do you want some desserts?"
She said looking at her.

She was looking at Adrian with a questioning and confused look. I looked at Adrian and he was confused as to why she was staring at him.

I tapped her shoulder. She snapped out.

"What happened?"


April asked again.

And Emma nodded with a forced smile. Surely something is up and down with her.
I need to talk to her.

"OK let me tell you something. I am not single anymore."
April announced.

"Really. Who is the boy?"

"My partner with whom I opened this hospital. That man. He is really cute and handsome."

"His name?"
Adrian asked

"Stefan... Dr. Stefan Jones... By the way, I am also a doctor."

I and Adrian looked at each other and laughed together.

"Why not you call your boyfriend to our friends party? I mean, I feel like odd one, a single man between beautiful ladies."

"I'll try, if he is busy then I don't know."
She said and called her boyfriend, who is no other than school friend of Adrian.

"Hello, baby."
We shared some secret stares.
"Can you come to me? I want you to meet my friends."

"OK its fine."
She declined call.

"I'm sorry. He is busy with some files."

"Then let me call your boyfriend."

April got confused when Adrian started dialing his no. And I laughed.

"Yeah, bro... I have got a cut on my arm. Can you come to me?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever, will you come? It's hurting."
"Yeah fast, its bleeding. At XXX restaurant "
He declined then.

"What is happening here?"
April asked confused.

"Nothing, I called my friend. He cares for me a lot so whenever I get a cut or shot he is first one there."

I asked intentionally.

"I said scratches."
He dismissed it with an awkward laugh and I just nodded, though I clearly heard what he said.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now