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At present...
Hayley's POV

"Amazing... Mom You were fabulous."

"Even dad?"
Twins complimented. We both smiled and looked at each other.

"What happened after that?"

"Then I---"
Adrian started and I stopped him.

"You all should go and sleep, see its 1 AM of morning, too late. And tomorrow, Lily Aunt has called us to her home, so we're going there. And we will be leaving at 10 AM tomorrow... So you should go to bed now."
I got up along with Adrian.

"Ugh but mom, I'll die of suspense... Why are you leaving us in a cliff hanger?"
She said holding my wrist.

"At least tell us, did you both become one again?"

"Ae yo... If we weren't then you two have never came... Silly."
Ian said smacking Alison's head slightly.

"Mom, did dad tortured you?"
Alice asked with worry in her eyes, for me.

I gulped...
Adrian started, and I don't want him to tell that he did torture me.

"Leave something for tomorrow... That night it was all suspense for us too... Let it be for you both too."
I said with a smile.

"Where is your father, mom? Our grandpa... We never met him in person."
I smiled bitterly. I never talked to them about my dad.

If I had talked then I would have revealed our mafia self very earlier.

"You have met them once when you were just a group of cells. He had even gave you both his blessings... But not in person... We'll go and pay him a visit tomorrow before heading to Lily aunt's home. OK?"

"Really, we'll meet him?"
Alison asked literally jumping on my body.

I smiled bitterly and pecked her head.
"We will, but now go and sleep. Lily aunt lives far from here, right? So it will be a long ride. We'll reach there by evening."
They went to their room to change into casual clothes.

I also went in to changed into my turquoise silk night wear. I then went to twins room to make sure they are asleep. Adrian brought water for the twins.

"Where is Emerson Uncle?"
My eyes welled with tears imagining Emerson's face.

"We've met many characters in your story but where is Emerson Uncle?"

"OK stop asking questions now... Go to sleep."
Adrian said and I blinked my eyes twice-thrice not letting any tear fall.


"No more questions... Or I'll take your phones."
Adrian said being strict and I was lost into my sweet memories with Emerson.

However, I hate Marshall for the one mistake he did in past... And Adrian knew I hated him so he never let me and Marshall be under a single roof even for a second. Though he meets his brother taking kids to them. I don't mind it, unless he harms my family, again.

I smiled at the twins as they laid on bed and closed their eyes holding their phone to their chest.

I bent down and pecked both of their forehead and covered them with a blanket. Adrian too did the same and wishing them good night we left their room going towards our room.

In my turquoise silky night gown, I stood in the balcony in dark night, the city of Boston shining. My mom's native city. Where I had lived for like 4-5 years after I was born. I memorized my days, those beautiful days when I had everyone by my side.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now