Part 33 : Your eyes

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Hayley's POV

Adrian and I again came to this beautiful place, a paradise.

And now, there was no more a bee hive, only butterflies, but suddenly Adrian was not here.

It was night and the area was lit up with fairy lights, beautiful paper lanterns and scented candles on a table near that tree making it look like a beautiful date site.

I was dressed in a long dark red gown which was stripped from left thigh exposing it, and off shoulder blades.

Adrian was no where to be seen.

I went near the table and saw a card written I Love you, in it. I smiled and run my eyes to find that particular man.

I smiled when I found him in his black tuxedo looking, Oh-so-handsome!

My eyes stuck on him and his fragrance made me feel like drunk as he came close.

"Today, I'm going to ask you a very important question."
My eyes were still admiring him.

His long set hair, exposing his beautiful forehead, his flawless cheeks and that pink thin lips that sent a beautiful smile to me. His eyes with so much pure love.

Do I really have to kill him? Is there no way out? Cause I don't want to.

"A question on which, yours and mine, our life is dependent on, Well I know the answer already but still I'm nervous."

"Just ask it."
I said and squeezed his hands assuring him.

He leaned on his one knee and pulled out a ring box-wait!



"Now only I will say... And you will listen."
He said and held my both hands.

"Hayley, the day I saw you... That windy night, when your hair flew with the wind, like it happens in movies, at that moment I felt my heart skip a beat and I didn't realize I was not breathing that particular minute.

When the first time I saw you. Even if I went there to see a girl whom I didn't know, whom Daniel suggested... After seeing you I forgot about her and was determined that I will marry you. Gladly the girl whom Daniel suggested was you only. I was so happy to know that.

I thought it would be difficult to gain your love... Maybe you deserve someone more better than me... But trust me Hayley... Just give me a chance and I can become the best for you.

The love I have for you, has no limits, it's like universe, don't know where it ends.

And now I can't control myself to make you my wife and start a new family with you.

I love you Hayley."
He said and planted kiss on my back palm.

I didn't realise when tear of happiness rolled down my eyes... He chuckled in his husky voice sending shiver down my spine.

"Don't let those precious tears fall. Save them for the time when you will be under me."
He smirked and I giggled.
"And the time when you will be holding our baby in your arms."
He said and I smiled.

"Will you lie in my heart?"
I nodded with a smile.

"Will you scream my name all night, under me?"
I blushed and nodded.

"Will you have a small family with me?"
"God, YES, Adrian!"
I shouted out of excitement.

"Will you marry me Hayley?"
He said and opened the ring box and I opened my mouth to say but stopped when reality hit me.

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