Part 34 : Maybe last time

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Hayley's POV

With great difficulty I finally convinced dad that I'll do my mission after his birthday and he gave me the last day 31/12, last day of the year and also maybe his too. Maybe of my happiness too.

I can't kill him on his birthday. I will enjoy this present day. I'll make this day happy, for him, for me and for us.

He went out with some of his friends. He asked me to join too but I refused because I have something big to plan for his birthday tonight.

It's a very beautiful and maybe last date of us.

Everything was set up, I decorated whole house, at last letting him know how much I love him and how much I adore him.

Date was planned on the terrace. Since I don't know cooking. First time I cooked, for him, with help of the chef of the house.

I didn't bought any gift, knowing its of no use, after that I have to complete my mission. I was still expecting a miracle to get happened and I just don't have to do this mission.

I was fully dressed in my beautiful black gown and did my hair with slight make up.

I was on terrace waiting for his arrival

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I was on terrace waiting for his arrival.

I heard the doorbell rang. I kept the door open then why didn't he just came in.

I leaned to see who is at the door and saw a pizza delivery boy standing there. I didn't ordered pizza then.

Diamonds will come in a pizza box, by a pizza delivery boy.
I recalled and walk downstairs and saw him waiting.

"Ma'am, your order."
He said passing me the pizza box, along with a pastry box at side.

"Thank you."
He bowed and left. I closed the door and went to kitchen.

I sent all the maids home as I wanted this moment only with Adrian. I put the pizza box on the kitchen island and opened it.

There was nothing but a pizza. I frowned, diamonds were supposed to be here. I checked it carefully and then I opened the pastry box.

That box also contained just a pastry. I frowned and touched the cake cream, but it didn't stick in my fingers. It was solid and hard, like a plastic and a fake cake.

I removed the fake cake and under there blue rare diamonds. They were quite shining. I kept it as it was and repacked the box.

Diamonds are no more my mission. I left the pizza box and took the pastry box and came to our shared room.

I opened his wardrobe and placed it inside, a file fell in the process and I picked it up but before placing it back my eyes caught something.

"Arthur Scott."
The file first page reads.

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