Part 20 : Power With Passion

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Adrian's POV

I entered her room and heard the sound of water running, she is taking a shower. I sat on the bed. It was hard to convince Marshall, I told him that I'll come later. Stella left.

It's her birthday today, and I didn't know. I wish I had asked it earlier so I could prepare for it.

The door opened and she entered in her bathrobe, with one towel drying her hair.

"You didn't go?"
She asked as she noticed me. I got up from bed and ran to her and hugged her tightly. She got startled a little and a towel fell from her hands which was drying her hair.

"Why didn't you tell me?"
I said hugging her more tightly. She hugged me back. I was least concerned about it that she is just in her bathrobe. Her wet hairs were making my shirt wet too.

"What? Did Stella tell you?"

"Yeah she did."

I heard her sigh.
"I had planned a special date tonight, and decided to tell you at that time only. But I didn't know today you will be busy... Don't feel bad that you couldn't celebrate my birthday. It's OK, it comes once every year."

"Your every birthday matters to me a lot."
I said and finally broke the hug.

"Happy birthday, my angel."
I said and pecked her forehead. She smiled.

"What do you want?"
I asked.

"Something I really want, you can't give me in a situation like this."

"There is nothing, I can't give you, sweetheart. Just say what is my angel's wish?"

"I want to cut the cake along with you. At night..."
My smile flattens knowing that it is difficult... I have to be there by 7 PM.

"If not this, I don't want anything from you. You can go. I won't stop you."
She said and went to the dressing pulling the hair dryer, and drying her hair.

I went to her and hugged her.

"I am going to a mafia party. My presence there is important... Please wish something else sweetheart."

"OK then."
She said and kept the dryer back in its place and faced me.

"Take me with you. Wherever you are going."

"No, not that, There are many of my enemies. You are already the target of Kang, I can't risk it."

"You will be there with me. Until and unless you are by my side, I am not afraid of getting killed too."

"But I am... I care for you. And I am not taking you there."

"Fine, then go... What's the point of discussion then? You go enjoy your party. I'll cut the cake with maids."
She said and again started drying her hair in full anger.

"Hayley, Please listen to me babe..."

"Since morning I have cut the cake twice but didn't even eat a bite of it. I wanted to eat it by your hand."
She said pulling me in more guilt.

Well violence will not happen there, security is tight, and cameras are 24/7 on... I will always be there with Hayley ...she will be OK, there. After coming from there. I'll cut the cake for her. OK...

I snatched the hair dryer from her and switched it off, kept it on the dressing table.

"What happened?"
I carried her in my arms, making sure her thighs are covered, as I'm not alone at home, maids are there.

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