Part 59 : The best

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Adrian's POV

"How is he?"
I asked Stefan once he exited Marshall's room.

"Recovered... He don't need bed rest anymore."
I nodded.

"Where is Hayley, Ad?"
He asked.

"In her real home... In her mansion."

"Give me the address... I'll go and meet her."

"I don't know the address... I never cared to know."

"Ad... You know that there's still a chance to make everything alright... Please don't break up with her. She is having your child... At least for your child."

"I hate her."

"Stop ly-"

"Stefan... Leave!"

"But Ad... Fine Hayley will surely come in Emma's marriage and I'm coming as a partner of April in that party... I'll meet her there."
He said and left.

I sighed and entered the room and saw my hyung in his blue shirt his wound treated and now healed.

"You're awake?"
He opened his closed eyes and smiled bitterly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Physically, better but mentally disturbed."

"Don't overthink."
I said and helped him to sit straight leaning his back on the headboard and I sat beside him on the bed.

"Our dad was on the negative side... And till date I blamed Scott... I regret my every act...  Killing them, hating them, torturing Hayley and mostly in this rage of vengeance converting myself into mafia... I dragged you with me too... I'm really sorry."

"It's fine... I forgive you."
Yes I forgave him, because even if he did wrong he was unknown to the untold truth. Whatever he did was just a mistake and it wasn't completely his fault. I was at fault too. I didn't care to know the root of this vengeance.

"You forgave me but I will be able to forgive myself only when Hayley forgives me... Take me to her."
He said trying to get up but I pushed him back to bed.

"Marshall... She is not here."


"She went to her mansion."

"But why-"

"I told her to."

"You did what?"

I sighed when he started freaking out.
"I told her to leave me and my life forever."

"Are you mad? I will die in the regret that it's me the reason you both separated..."

"Marshall just know its not you the reason... I just hate her now... So better you forget about her... You haven't eaten anything, I'll bring some food."
I said and stood up leaving the room.

I went to kitchen and asked maids to prepare lunch for him.

"Sir you can't leav-"
I heard some voice from hall that got cut suddenly.

My brows furrowed and I went out into the hall only to witness Marshall leaving the mansion.

I ran after him and came to the front yard but was late he already flee with his car. I ran to the parking lot grabbing the car keys. I hopped in my car following his.

I made a call in his phone. He picked up instant.

"Marshall stop the car."
He maybe looked behind as later he speed up his car and so do I.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now