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Hayley's POV

My eyes opened slowly and the first thing I saw was Adrian. He smiled at me and helped me sat up straight.

I was in that room where I first lived when I had moved into Harpers mansion.

"What happened?"

"Well make a guess!"
I heard Lisa's voice and then my eyes snapped at front where everyone was present except kids and Namjoon.

I heard Adrian chuckling.

"Remember Hayley, when I had told you that fainting is a sign of?"
April said coming near as she sat beside me on bed.

"Weakness... Oh OK... I didn't had meal in a good amount few days back."
Emma and Stella just palmed their head like they are so done.

"Acting fool... I see!"
Samuel teased.

"Fainting is not only the sign of weakness?"

"Then what happened to me? Any major disease! Ian-"
I panicked.

"Shh! Calm down. Nothing like that happened!"

"OK let's give you a hint... What you and Adrian did around one or two weeks ago?" Vini asked. I looked at Adrian and he looked down as his cheeks turned red and I got confused.

"Two weeks ago... I don't remember Yeah, we went on a date..."

"Guys can't we just say it?!"
Adrian said, his cheeks all red.

"No we can't."
Emma said instant.

"At date night... After date what you both did?"
My lips parted and now my cheeks were red.

"That crimson colour on your cheek, that is enough to let us know what happened."
Stella said and everyone laughed.

"And what you did that night, you got the result today..."

My eyes widened when the possible thought hit my mind.
"What do you mean?"
I just wanted to confirm.

"That you're pregnant Nini."
My jaw fell down hearing Lily. It is 4th child...

I looked at Adrian, my eye balls enlarged like it would come out any second now.
He smiled and cupped my cheeks and kissed on my forehead.

"Thank you."
He said and my eyes brimmed with tears, tears of happiness. I smiled widely and hugged him. While everyone started talking about us and making lovely comments.

"Well I remember Adrian always wanted 5 children of his own... So this was 4th. Are you gonna plan for 5th?"

"Shut up Stefan!"
I said embarrassed and everyone started laughing. I hugged Adrian more tight hiding my embarrassed face.

"You made me so happy Hayley... I'm the happiest man alive now."
He said and kissed my hairs still hugging me.

"Well what you all don't know is why I invited all of you here?"
Lily said and we broke the hug.

"There is something we both want to announce."
Daniel said.

"What is it Lily?"
I asked. She looked down blushing.

"Does that blushing means you-"

"I'm Pregnant... We both sisters are pregnant together."
And everyone started clapping as I got off the bed and hugged her.

"Can't believe... My baby sis is going to be mom."
Adrian went and hugged Daniel.

"Oh I didn't expect it was supposed to be double congratulations to Harper brothers and Scott sisters."
April said and came and hugged Lily. I went to Daniel and patted his cheek.

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now