Part 40 : Painful Pleasure

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Hayley's POV

He bit my lip and I moaned. He inserted his tongue in my mouth and I gasped for air. My hands clutched to his collar.

He held my both wrist pinning them to wall and devoured my lips. The kiss reflected how angry he was on me. For what I did.

But I just kept kissing him back. He finally detach his lips after a long time and joined our foreheads. We both were breathing heavily and fast.

He panted.

"Why did y-"

"I'm sorry."

He dig his face in my neck and bit there harshly. I moaned hard when he bit my flesh harshly. He all of a sudden stopped.

I looked at his dark orbs which only showed confusion and anger. Somewhere between hid care and love.

"Have your breakfast... And start counting all the moments of this hell."
He said and started leaving.

"I am counting, but not the days in hell... Just your and my love."
He turned back and I smiled.

"You can't escape from here. This is 4th floor and too many guards around the mansion."

"For escaping... I need to plan for it. And you don't need to worry... I am not going to plan anything."

He clenched his teeth.

"Anyways... I'm loving this big room."
I said going to bed and sat on bed.

"Bed is more than OK for me... Personal washroom and sufficient clothes... Warm blanket. And yeah How can I forget it... Food!"
I said holding onto the bowl of soup.

I forwarded one spoon to him.
"Aren't you scared? Soup may contain poison."

"You know what Adrian?.."
I said sipping a spoon of soup and then continued.

"I'm not scared of death... And If anyways I'm going to die. I would love to take my last breath in your arms."
I said and took another sip.

He glared at me but I know my words were making his heart melt.
"I mean it."
I added.

He turned to leave.
I called him and he stopped.

"Trust me when I say... Even my death can't reduce the love that I have for you."
I saw his tight fist getting free but he didn't utter anything and left locking the room.

I smiled bitterly and continue drinking my soup.

At night

My head was aching like hell, and it was surely because of fever that I had. I heard the door opening.

I got up and saw Marshall. I sat straight.

"Good to see you here, locked up."

"You should have been happy if I was sad... But alas! I'm happy in this home where my lover lives."

He rolled his eyes.
"I wish I could grab your neck and choke you to death. You have good luck. Adrian told me not to. Or else Your flesh would have been treated to wolves by now."

"I guess, you too have good luck... That Adrian told you not to. Or else who knows what things Zee could do."
He clenched his jaw understanding meaning of what I said and I smirked.

"I knew you were someone not ordinary, since start. I had doubt on you."

"You have doubt on every second person you see. Proof is that you disliked Stella too. You don't have ability to find who is who, you just know to suspect everyone around you and calling yourself sensible."

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