Part 51 : Not Just You

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Adrian's POV

I rushed furiously towards the room where Hayley fought right now, in search of that particular person who is cause of all of this.

Peeking in I didn't see anyone but some dead corpses and injured men.
Lia came running to me.

"Why were you not there on your duty?"
I asked her, rage inside me increasing.

"Sir someone has covered my face with chloroform and if I'm not wrong it was maybe Marshall sir."

I looked at her and her face showed loyalty. I went towards office where he probably could be.

I pushed opened the door that made a loud sound and saw him back facing me.
I growled, my voice hoarse.

He turned but next moment his cheeks fell on one side. I punched on his cheek.

I said yanking him by his collar. He yanked my hand making himself free.

"I'm not a loser like you Adrian... Who will sit and watch you giving different facilities to our rival."

"It's not her fault."
I said as my fist clenched with anger.

"It is her fau---"

"God Damn... She was just a small kid when our parents died. Probably she must not be knowing about mafia world till then. How come she is responsible for our parents' death?"

"She betrayed yo-."

"And that's my problem. I've told you to not torture her... To not enter in her room. But still-"

"So what do you expect me to do, V? To sit and watch you loving that daughter of that bastard who killed our parents, torture mom and dad for 10 days continuous, not giving them food but only water.

When they did nothing wrong they suffered pain and it ached me witnessing my parents being tortured... Then why can't I take my vengeance by torturing her so that her father gets the same pain that I got.

If you haven't stopped torturing her then I would not have done anything."

"Marshall Please... This Vengeance has nothing to do with Hayley..."

"Tell me Adrian... If instead of Hayley it was some male child of Scott, would you have behaved same? Or some other heiress if you were not in love with her."
He said making me halt.

Maybe I've done worse then...

"I know that if it was a male child. Till now he must have begged for his death... But just because it's female or someone who loves you, you're letting her live peacefully."

"Our main target is Arthur and he must be suffering seeing his daughter's vulnerable state and now it's enough and it is end of her tortures."

"Then tell me, did Arthur come to beg yet?!"
I remained silent but silence broke soon but not by any of us. Joseph...

"Adrian, Marshall... Someone is trying to hack our control room."

"Who is it?"
Marshall asked.

"Its difficult to find who is it..."

"Maybe Vivian..."
I said.

"I don't know but whoever it is... is a tough player."

"Now Arthur is here to attack us... Instead of begging for her daughter's life..."

On the Negative Side ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now