1.•••Jeon Jungkook•••

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Jungkook wiped the sweat on his nape and forehead with his towel. He ruffled his hair with small droplets of sweat dropping on the floor.

He was panting hard after his 30 minute walk on the treadmill. He did it thrice a week. And the other days he do some squattings and some boxing which was his other hobby.

He got out of his home gym and walked down the hallways to his room. He found that his room door was slightly opened. Jungkook was sure he closed it before coming out and now it's slightly opened, as if someone got inside it. He frowned. He can imagine the anger bubbling up inside him.

And he was right. There was indeed someone inside sweeping the floor. The other one was in the maids uniform. So of course it's a maid. But the question is; who told her to clean his room? More like who said she can get inside his room?

"HELEN!!!" His sound roared throughout the whole house. The small maid flinched by the new voice and started shivering on the spot.

Helen came rushing to witness a horrible sight in her opinion. The new maid indeed did the most stupidest thing. Which was getting inside Jungkook's room.

"Sir. I apologise on her behalf. She is the new maid. She didn't know that you didn't allow anyone inside this part of the house. Please spare her."

Jungkook doesn't want to spoil this day even more. Today was an important day for him. More like a memory day. He would have fired this maid if it weren't for Helen. She have been working for him since he can remember as a child. She was actually a mother figure to him. He had told her several times to call him by his name, but Helen always called him sir. She respects Jeons a lot. He closed his eyes and clenched his fist. He took two deep breaths just like his therapist had advised.

"Next time do not repeat this. Helen please inform about my house rules before assigning a new maid. You both may leave now. "

" Okay sir I will. "

Helen held the other maid's hand who was much more younger and fled the scene.

"I should have warned you about Jungkook. He doesn't like no one coming to his personal space. More like touch his things. You can clean and do the chores at all other parts of this house but not the right side of the second floor. Do you understand me?"

The new maid was terrified to talk now. She never thought her new boss would be this scary. Her mother was the one compelled her to do this job. She had no other choice. It's better than being a prostitute like her. She had only two options she took this one.

"Why is he so scary? Why doesn't he allow anyone there?"

" He is like that dear. But don't worry. He have this bad temper. But he is a nice kid inside. I have known him since he was like 3 year's old. "

" Oh that long? So you have basically seen him grow up. " Ella wondered with big round curious eyes. Followed by Helen giving her a light laugh.

"Yes I have. That boy is really close to my heart."

They both descend the stairs and walked towards the kitchen. "So what do I need to be carefull here after?"

"Oh I will tell you take a seat." Ella took one of the kitchen high chairs.

" There are total of 5 maids here including you and me. You are going to help me through. Two maids works outdoor. They don't usually come every day. Only when there is routine cleaning of outdoors. Rest 3 of us are for basically cooking and cleaning. You don't need to do Jungkooks laundry as he doesn't allow any one to do that except me. " Ella continued to listen. She didn't interfere which was impressive for Helen.

"He is a perfectionist. Doesn't like intense perfumes so everything should smell soft here. He likes everything organized. He likes his coffee strong. He likes his table clean. He doesn't like loud noises nor bright colors. I don't know the reason but he used to like them. But ever since.. oh dear I m talking too much. He will sue me if I spill something bad." Helen gave an awkward chuckling. She was talkative. She doesn't want to gossip about the Jeons whom have fed her family for the past years.

"It's alright." Ella said politely. She already liked this lady.

"Oh dear! Jungkook would come to eat his breakfast anytime now. Come on we need to prepare. " Helen said in a hurry and Ella followed her.

Jungkook buttoned up his cuff links. He looked at the mirror with an emotionless face. He took his wallet and grabbed his Rolex and got out. He have to go somewhere early.

After taking the break fast he drove his car towards the familiar place he visits whenever he was down or when its the day of the year.

He bought a bouquet of white Lilly's on his way. When the familiar rusty gates approached, he parked his car and creak open the gate. And like every time it made a ghastly noice.

He walked through the green pathway and stood in front of a familiar stone. Jungkook squatted down and sweep off the dried leaves from the stone. He kept the Lilly's carefully on the top of it and caressed the tomb.

"I wish you were still here. But I can feel you are. " He whispered to the air and closed his eyes feeling. This is one of the many low days of his life. He spend some more time basking in the silence and speaking two or three words to the stone. Even though there was no reply he knew the light breeze that touched his cheeks were the warmth of that person. He more like believed like that.

He stood up dusting his office slacks. Now to the other place he dreaded the most. He wish he was a turtle so that he could hide inside the shell if something worries. But he can't. He have to push through his life. The man with intimidating tattoos and piercings was a kitty inside shivering and feeling cold. But he masked it with a stone face. Because life has to go on somehow.


To be continued...

Hey lovely reader's

Thats it for the first chap.
If there are any mistake, please forgive me.

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