34.•••The first Fall•••

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Double update lovelies... But don't forget to read chap33..🥺 ILY❤️

Taehyung muttered curses under his breath looking at the computer screen shown by his dear finance manager. He had lost fifty millions in one night. His father was going to kill him. The male punched the table in anger.

"That bastard had played me. I am going to kill him." He muttered under his breath.

" Mr. Kim as the tribes village is set now. We no longer have a partnership with the Jeons. They have completely withdrawn from it. And the other investors are asking for a meeting to discuss about this." His secretary said in brief about the whole ordeal. This was getting on his nerves. Everything was a mess after his and Jimins divorce. He should have known that Jungkook would completely desert him if it was for Jimin.

He stupidly signed those papers too. He allowed this one win to Jungkook. But he cannot repeat the same mistake anymore. Otherwise he can kiss good bye to this CEO chair.

Nowadays his and Yoongi's relationship is also not on the good plane. Taehyung let's out all his anger on the poor male. Yoongi was strong so it was not easy to break him. He would equally give back replies to Taehyung.

"What about that proposal with the choi's?" His secretary  himself was scared to talk straight with Taehyung looking at him with his fierce eyes. Because his reply may not be pleasant to the said male.

"They need time to think Mr. Kim. Perhaps a meeting would do I g-guess."

" Meeting? Why do they need it when we have discussed everything?" His secretary flinched when taehyung throw the things on his table away. The poor boy was trembling under the CEO's gaze.

"T-They were w-wondering why a powerful company like Jeons were withdrawing their investment with us  Mr. Kim."

" Powerful? Do they even know that the Jeons corporate didn't even existed when the whole Kim empire was shining in Korea.  Compared to us they are just in school."

" Then why are you growing downwards?" His secretary mumbled under his breath when the CEO was too much engrossed in his own thoughts.

"So do we need to arrange the meeting Mr. Kim?"

" If that's what the fucktards want, arrange it."

Jungkook chuckled at the news that he received from his beloved assistant. Beomgyu eyed the male astonished. Because the older was acting like a goofy teenager.

But rather the smaller males head was pounding. He had a wild night yesterday with his boyfriend and he felt shitty due to this hang over. Who would have thought one glass of wine was needed for him to go all high.

And in the morning he had this stupid limp on his legs. Even sitting felt difficult for Beomgyu.
He had burned his boyfriend with his glare this very morning. Never thought his workaholic boss would need him early in the morning even in this god damn morning after his wedding.

"Did you receive the choi's email?" Jungkook was spinning around in his swivel chair with a stupid smile on his face. He had never seen his boss like this. Like this happy early in the morning. Does Jimin had that much effect on him? Beomgyu don't know.

"Yes Mr. Jeon. They will be here in a few minutes. We should head to the meeting room."

" HYUNG!!!" Jungkook rolled his eyes. He was expecting the male today so it didn't come out as a surprise to Jungkook anyways.

"What is it Tae? We are heading for a meeting." Jungkook let out a small yawn stretching on his chair.

" Why did you provide me a cabin?"

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