28.•••The conflicts•••

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Jimin was devastated. He went home with a dejected heart. It's sure that Taehyungs love have been replaced with anger. But why is he the person to be hated and Taehyung playing the victim? Jimin doesn't know that.

"Jimin. How did it go?" Jin asked expectantly. Jin was anxious ever since Jimin left home telling about speaking with Taehyung. Namjoon don't know anything about what happened this morning as he went to work early. He doesn't want his husband to ever know about such a thing as he won't be able to take it well. This was their home.
When Namjoon and Jin decided to marry the only wealth Namjoon had was this small house. Jin who came from a wealthy family never complained about anything. Jin's parents never accepted them. But Namjoon made sure Jin was happy and content. And this was the home where Jimin took his baby steps for the first time.

"He is asking money mom. He played me. He made me sign it when we were in good terms." Jimin said with his teary eyes. It broke Jin to see his only child going through such a situation.

"How much Jimin. I have some gold and we can sell the old worksho-"

" It's ten million won mom. He knows we can't pay that much amount of money." Jin closed his mouth in shock. That amount of money was something only they could dream off. Jin's chin wobbled when he knew there was no way out of this.
Jimin skipped the part where Taehyung asked him instead of money.  They don't need to know how disgusting was his ex husband.

"What will we do now Jimin? Your dad won't be able to take this news." Jin said still sobbing.

" Mom. We will find a way. Please stop crying.  And don't tell this to Dad yet."

"OH MY GOD!!! I forgot about that Jaemin's email. Your hyung is gonna kill me." Beomgyu and Taehyun was having ice cream inside a park in Finland. More like Beomgyu was having his ice cream. The mood was so romantic but the sudden scream from Beomgyu scared the sh*t out of taehyun.

"What email are you talking about? that too during our date."

" He had send me the email stating that their company is interested in our deal. To finalize that they will have to gather for a meeting and I was the one who had to organize this meeting Tae." Beomgyu said biting his nails but taehyun swatted his hands that were stuck inside his mouth with a disgusted look.

"F*ck that email. Why does he have to send you a personal email rather than sending it to the companies official account? I have told you right? That f*ckface likes you."

"he doesn't tae. How many times I have to tell you. Of course he eyef*cks me Everytime but that is not out of love." Beomgyu said with a pout.

"wh-why are you pouting for that? Are you rooting for him to like you?"

" Tae~"

"Don't tae me. I can see his lovesick face whenever he sees you. He seems serious." Taehyun said with a frown.  Beomgyu can sense that his boyfriend doesn't like the fact that jaemin likes him secretly.

He took a lick from his melting cone  icecream and sat on Taehyuns lap straddling him. Both were sitting on the grass.

"Oh my God!! You are like a baby. It's not like he is gonna snatch me." He cupped the older's cheeks. Taehyun was quick to pull the smaller closer by wrapping his arms around beomgyu's waist. Beomgyu's hands were sticky with the icecream. But did he cared? No.

"It's not like he is capable to do that Mr. Cutie pie. I would kill him. But I just don't like the fact that he likes you. He should know that you are mine right?" Beomgyu nodded his head like a child showing his ice cream towards taehyun and later shook his head towards Beomgyu just to make sure he should do that or not. Beomgyu gave him a stern stare and the older took a hesitant lick from the sugary thing making Beomgyu smile from ear to ear.

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