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Jimins POV

Jungkook dropped me home after the mechanic checked his car. Seems like it had nothing wrong. I was so close to strangle that idiot again

Reaching home I got an earful from Mom and Dad for the scare I gave for them.

The forest had no signal so I couldn't call them and inform about our despair.

Mom literally cried seeing me and above that the scrutinising gaze they gave me for showing up with torn clothes and a blazer coat that wasn't mine was a whole different story.

I got inside my room and removed the blazer from my body to soon feel cold. I shook away the thoughts and the whole stupid time I decided to share a bed with the one and only Jeon Jungkook. If Tae got to know, it will be the end of the world. He is too much possessive over me.

Speaking of Tae I hurriedly checked my phone only to see Tae's text that says a good night and I am busy.

But in some ways I am thankful that he didn't call and check on me. He would have flied back here to check what had happened to me.

I took a warm shower to relieve all the exhaustion of yesterday night. After getting dressed in some comfy clothes I was ready for today. I had a few meeting's and reports waiting for me at the company. The only sad part is that Tae is not there to join me. He would always make it easy to go through this tight schedule.

Before going out of my room I saw Jungkooks blazer on the bed. I don't know what to do with it.

I can wash it and give it back right? Yes I will do that. I neatly folded the fabric which still smelled so nice. Now it had a mix of my natural peach cent and Jungkooks manly cent. This mix was heaven but I won't admit it. I shouldn't.

Taehyung was right. I should keep a safe distance from Jeon Jungkook. He can trap anyone with his charms. I know that more than anyone.

Beomgyu stood in front of the black sleek door of Jeon's residence with a file on his left hand a hand bag on his right.

He was wearing a tight black jeans hugging his figure and a light blue dress shirt accentuating his curves.

Jungkook would call him occasionally at mornings to his home so they will both go together to the company.

It would be those days where Jungkook would be having a tight schedule and Beomgyu would be running a marathon to keep up with the jobs he would be assigned.

Keeping all that aside the paycheck he gets every month is worth running for. No one at Jeon corporates knows Jungkook pays his assistant and manager almost the same amount of salary.

Beomgyu stood there hugging the file and tapping his heels on the floor. He was humming a song that he heard through the radio on his way here.

He was too deep in his own bubble that he didn't see the electronic door getting opened and a sweaty taehyun peaking out. He smoothly whistled at the other one which had Beomgyu flinching on the spot.

"Hey there cutie!!" Taehyun waved at him leaning on the door and crossing his arms in a sexy way. His eyes roamed beomgyu's figure from head to toe. He ran his tongue over his lower lips gulping at the thought of doing wonders to the laters lean body.

"M-Mr. Jeon?" Now that Beomgyu looked at Taehyun the olders face was glistening with sweat. The T shirt he was wearing sticking to his body showing the prominent blocks on his abdomen. He can tell that the other one was doing his morning work out. The brothers were so much alike in many ways.

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