19.•••I Would Love You From Afar•••

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Jimins POV

It's been a week . A week of endless cries and pain. The pain that had seated in me deep routedly. I thought he is changed. When everyone said otherwise I never believed them. I liked to believe him. I was feeling that deep feeling for him. Wanted to tell him that I love him. That's when he gave me the biggest surprise of my life.

He have called me several times and I had to block him atlast. Talking to him felt painful. Because seeing even his name on my phone screen hurts like hell. It feels like someone ripped of my heart from my chest and broke it into Piece's.

He even came searching for me at my house but I pretended I was not here. It was easier as dad and mom was not here at that time. I cried near the door hearing him calling my name from outside.

After knowing Jungkook cheated on me. No one came to my mind but Taehyung. I cried in his embrace. When I said what happened he was furious. He was going to charge at Jungkook but I stopped. I don't want to be a barrier in-between their friendship. It was my mistake. He warned me but I didn't listen because the heart was stubborn I guess. Eliana came to me and I cried in her embrace. Mom and dad were concerned about me. They didn't push me to talk for now. But I know sooner or later that particular question will rise and I will have to answer them.

Yesterday Felix came to me telling Jungkook went to London because his mother became severely ill and wanted Jungkooks presence. It hurts more at the thought of him never telling a good bye before going. That's it. The end of our love story. I believed from there that we were never meant to be. But that ten months I was with him was everything for me. I was the happiest in those ten months. I cherished those ten months.

Jungkook's POV

I was a walking dead when I reached London after getting a call from dad. He was crying when he said mom collapsed suddenly. I was on my way to Jimins home but the condition of my mom was not something I had to keep aside.

Another heart break. Jimin and mom constantly rotated in my mind frustrating me. I couldn't sleep at all. There was this endless head ache. I think God hated me a lot. I wanted to ask Jimin for a second chance but gave up the idea chosing my mom.

She was my biggest support and seeing her on that hospital bed connected with several tubes hurts a lot. She was diagnosed with cancer. Our family felt like we were drown to the endless pool of doom.

The doctor said she had a few months and to make her happy these few months. I was devastated. Dad was in a pathetic state and Taehyun, he was the worst. I had to get him away from mother Everytime he stick to her body crying. So I had to become the pillar to my family.

Mother became active after sometimes. She laughed a lot. We go to Parks so that she can spend her last days calmly. We spend time as a family keeping aside all our personal matters. She laughed a lot.

I had enrolled in college there. I had to complete my post graduation. Every time I was alone. I was reminded of Jimin. I tried to call him. But he changed his number.

But I had decided that I won't give up on him. A little more. That's what I told my mind. A little more, I have to patient so that I can be a better person and ask for forgiveness.

In between I asked taehyung about what was happening in Seoul. How Jimin was doing. He promised me he Would take care of him and I was a fool to think that Taehyung would never betray me. Because he took his chance. Just like I said he wanted everything that I had. It included my Minnie.

Felix called me telling another heart breaking news that Jimin was dating Taehyung.
I was the one who told him to be there for him even though he called me names telling I told you that you never change. I didn't mind that. But dating Jimin? He knew how much he meant to me. I cried silently without letting my mother or family knowing anything.

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