2.•••Kim Jimin•••

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Jimin stared at the test in his trembling hands. He doesn't want to do this every month. But he was fed up with the others asking him every day the same question. He stared at it for a good one minute.


It said. He tossed the test inside the waste bin of his bathroom for the 16th time he can remember. He actually had a teeny tiny bit of hope for this time when he missed his periods. Guess too much of stress can cause hormonal imbalance. He wiped the lone tear that escaped from his eyes and held his head high. He was wearing his office outfit ready to go. Jimin was so strong. Nothing can break him.

He joined his husband who was equally ready to go with him.

"Why did you take so long baby?"

"Nothing Tae. Shall we go? Remember who we have meeting with? "

" Of course I remember. Hope I won't snap today. " Jimin chuckled.

" I think you won't. But I can't make sure I won't." Jimin said with a smirk. Taehyung held his waist and rubbed it. He leaned down and took the others lips that he loved most in between his lips. They shared a passionate kiss and pull away panting.
They both worked together at Kim corporates. Jimin is the co-ceo of Kim corporates.

"Let's go." Jimin took his husband's hands and dragged him towards the dining room.

Everyone was already seated there and the maids were rushing here and there serving and bringing dishes carefully.

Jimin and Taehyung took their seat and soon some of the maids were by their side serving them.

"Look Dahyunah choi sung ho have invited us for his son's baby shower."

" Aaha it's a nice news." Dahyun Taehyungs father said eating a spoonful of his food. Jimin knew were his mother in law was dragging this conversation. He already lost his appetite.

"Isn't he the same age as our Tae and I have heard that he married recently. Guess they are blessed to welcome a baby this early. Some people are lucky." Jimin clenched his fist in anger and he was right. It was to poke him. And she was successful because everyone was giving pity or disgusting glares except for his husband who was eating calmly. He wondered why Taehyung was not defending him. That made him even more sad.

"Aren't we Mina? Soobin's wife is pregnant." Yes yeonjun Taehyungs younger brothers wife got pregnant recently yet Jimin was here doing endless tests with no reap. It's been 3 years of their marriage and 2 years of them trying. If he took the time when Tae and he started dating it would be a total of 5 years of them being together.

Taehyung never complained about a child. It was Jimin who insisted it in the first place. One, he was fed up with Mina asking for a grandson. Two he wanted a little one to call him mom and Taehyung daddy. Guess he is not that blessed. After playing with the food, he thought it's enough. He got up followed by Taehyung who finished everything.

"Jimin don't mind her. Everything will be okay soon." Yeonjun the only sweet heart in the house gave a warm smile to him. Jimin returned the smile with a nod of his.

He don't think anything is fine. He have already checked his health when they started trying and the doctor said he was perfect for baring a child. All tests showed he was perfectly fine. Then why was conceiving so hard. He have insisted Taehyung and him going for a check up with some other doctor. But Taehyung was not okay with the idea. He said they will be parents when the right time comes. But still Jimin wanted to try. He shook his head clearing his thoughts.

"You didn't talk anything when mom started poking me with her words. You sat there and ate without even checking on me whether I am okay or not." Jimin and Taehyung were driving towards their company. Jimin couldn't help but to ask why his husband was eating without any bother when him was being targeted.

"Jimin. How many times I have told you to ignore them? They wanted a reaction from you. They wanted to confirm that what they said get in to you. And you just showed them, how much it affected you. I didn't care what anyone said thats why I sat there without any bother." Taehyung said his part. And Jimin realised it only now. He was showing them how much it affected him. Taehyung is right he shouldn't care unless the words are coming from his husband. The rest doesn't matter.

"You are right Tae. I think I got up from the wrong side of the bed. I am already sensing a head ache. I will get it most probably at the meeting with that Jungkook."

" Baby relax. It's only the beginning of the day. Don't judge it already because of today's morning. It is we who decide that what will make our day bad. Ignoring is sometimes a bliss." Jimin smiled at his husband's wise words.

" Thanks Tae for always being there for me."

" It's my responsibility baby. I didn't marry you for nothing." Jimin giggled. He was glad that he got a caring husband. Jimin never thought he could be this lucky to get someone like Tae. Taehyung has never bothered him about the baby.


To be continued...


I wanted to update the new book today. But my nephew came home and it was chaos here.He is a 3 year old little devil, but a total cutie pie. So it took a lot of time to edit and do the prologue.

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