18.•••The Day The Two Souls Broke•••

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Jungkooks POV

Me and Jimin came out from the old class room sweaty as always after our hot session. It had come to this point that we couldn't keep our hands to each other whenever we are together. We would melt in ectasy in each other's arms.

A day without seeing each other was hell. We were panting due to the after math of our session. Jimin took wobbly steps near me and I pulled him to my side and kissed his sweaty forehead.

Eliana his best friend was waiting for him at the hall ways. She gave me a look of disgust soon after seeing me. I think she still doesn't have a good impression on me. She took Jimins hand from me and started dragging him towards their class. Jimin looked behind him and gave me a smooch in the air and  I grinned like a fool at that.

Taehyung watched our whole exchange and shook his head.

"You smell disgusting." It was the first thing that came out of his mouth after coming towards me. I don't know what his problem is. But nowadays he is doing nothing but criticising me for everything that I do. I have told him several times I love Jimin but I don't know why he can't believe.

He have watched me not going to a single club or going out often with friends. I haven't been with anyone after being with Jimin. The thought itself disgusts me. But there is still people giving us looks that I like to ignore, but Taehyung? He is my best friend.

"What is your problem?" I wanted to ask this question for so long.

"Nothing man. Just that you could have cleaned up before coming to class." He said with a shrug but his eyes said something else behind them. But I ignored it. There is no one I need to prove unless it's Jimin.

" Yeah I am going to the bathroom I will be back right now." I ran towards the bathroom section not to be late for the class.

Everything went really well after that. Then came Taehyungs party. His father gave his rightful inheritance to Taehyung.

Taehyung was waiting for this day. House of the Kim's had many cousins who were waiting to snatch that position from Taehyung. That is the main reason for which Taehyung studied his a*s out to reach here.

He wanted everything best for him. He always liked power. But in my case the head of the company position was something I had to take no matter what. It had a whole lot story to tell. The story of my dad's sweat. He was the one who brought our company to the peaks of success with no ancestral back up. Dad made his company from  scratch unlike the Kim's who had their inheritance hand over through the generations. Now it had reached to Taehyung.

I was not interested in attending any clubbing anymore. But he was my best friend and I had to be a part of his happiness so I agreed to this party.

I messaged Jimin that I was going to be busy tonight as Taehyungs party is there. I invited him but he was not interested in coming. He always hated teenage parties like this.
I know it would only take a puppy dog eyes from me for him to agree. But I know how much uncomfortable Jimin felt when strangers grinded or bumped on him. I don't want Jimin to do anything thats not his cup of tea. Promising that I would come to see him, I was off to the party.

I had a blast after so long. After attending this party only I realised how much I missed this with my friends. Seeing my best friends happiness I joined him in everything just for him. I will tell all of this to Jimin in the morning. It was after a very long time that I am having a moment with our friends squad. Heechan was already grinding on some chick. They were trying to drag me towards the dance floor but I refused politely. The smell of some female perfume is the last thing I want on me when I go to Jimin.

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