6.•••The New Nuisance At The Jeons•••

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Jimin was sulking on his chair looking at Taehyungs number. His husband haven't called him till now after going to his trip. He thought of giving his husband blind eye when he comes back, but he pouted when he missed Taehyung even more.

So keeping aside his pride he pressed the call button on his screen. Taehyung didn't pick from the first call so Jimin called him again.

After the seventh ring a panting Taehyung picked the call.

[I am so sorry baby. There was a lot of paper work, couldn't even check my phone. I am so sorry.]

"It's alright Tae. Don't over work yourself." Jimin said concerned for his husband's health.

"You too baby. "

" I miss you. Come back soon Tae."

" Yes baby. I miss you too. I would be there in two days. How did the field visit go with the Jeon?" Jimin rolled his eyes thinking about that.

" I-I sprained my ankle Tae."

"What??? Baby I told you to be careful. Are you alright? Want me to come there?"

" No no. It's alright Tae. You don't need to worry. Jungkook was there, he took me to the hospital." Taehyung clenched his fist in anger. He can't allow that Jungkook nowhere near his husband. But he can't show his anger to Jimin also.

"Okay baby. Next time you should call me when something like that happens. I only want me  to take care of you. Do you understand?"

" Yes Tae. I understand you. It was just a sprain but it's alright now." Jimin blushed at his husband's possessiveness. Jimin heard a female voice in between the call and he frowned and pouted unconsciously.

"Baby my assistant is calling I have  a meeting. Will call you later, is that alright?"

" It's alright. Bye I love you."

" I love you too baby." With that Taehyung cut the call. And Jimin sighed feeling lonely in his huge office and his mind was again wandering to were it should not be.

Jimin still remember the manly smell that Jungkook had when he picked him up. From up close Jungkook was even more handsome. He could get any girl by just a snap of his fingers.
Why would that be any business for Jimin? He have his husband. Jimin tried to think about Taehyungs fruity smell and his boxy smile. He unconsciously smiled thinking about it. He would give him a surprise on their anniversary night. Jimin felt bad for rejecting Tae the other night. He wanted to make it up for him.


Jungkooks sound roared throughout his office floor. Beomgyu who was drinking his coffee with the other employees inside the office kitchen flinched.

"Let's wish Beomgyu all the best. Seems like our boss will eat him alive today." The other employees teased Beomgyu. He wiped his hands were the coffee got spilled and ran towards his CEOs office.

"BOSS!! I AM HERE." Beomgyu ran towards Jungkooks desk panting.

" Where were you idiot this morning?" Beomgyu gulped his saliva which went down his dry throat.

"S-Sir I already took an off this morning. I told you yesterday I had to visit my grandmother at the hospital and you approved." Jungkook realised his mistake and scratched his forehead awkwardly.

" Ah I remember now. H-How is she?"

"She is alright sir." Beomgyu squealed internally for making his boss stutter for the first time.

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