7•••Second Day With The Handsome Devil•••

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Jimin was lonely today even though he was at his parents. He caressed his stomach through the robe he was wearing.
When will a life spark here? A want had become a need to him. He wanted someone to call him mommy. A baby in his arms. But never thought he could be this unfortunate.

Jimins POV

I stared at the fairy lights I had hung up on my ceiling. I did it when I was 16, but it's still there. I couldn't take it out even if I am a grown up 27 year old. Lying down here and looking at my ceiling I would go back to those days, when I didn't bothered about anything at all.

This room bring backs my childhood, teen and youth. Yet after earning for myself we didn't change our home. It stood as the same old small sweet home. We loved it that way. But I could fulfill his dad's wish of his own workshop. I made it possible and I was so content about that.

Life was so easy that back then. Now it's hard, like really hard. I never thought I would be here desperately trying to conceive and prove everyone that I am worth it.

I got bored looking at the ceiling so I got up from my bed and lean down to check my pink memory box decorated with glitters. I did it just before entering high school. That box contained so much memories.

Opening the lid it felt I am the Jimin of years back. I lightly smiled at the book that rested on top of my beloved belongings. I had this book throughout my college days.

Opening the first page I saw my neat handwriting stating that I am going to a new college. The excitement sparked through those words.

The next page had something scribbled with frustration.  I was taunted  by my seniors on the first day of my college. I enjoyed it at the same time I was mad for obeying their commands. I laughed at that.  I won't forget that day ever. That was the beginning of everything.

I was going to keep that book inside not to ignite any sad moments of my life but it is what happened when something fell out of that book. I took the picture. It was a drawing of mine. I prepared it in a beautiful card but never got the chance to give it. I put it back with a sigh.

I smiled automatically when I saw my mobile ringing with the name 'hubby' on it. I miss Taehyung so much.

The next day Jimin was ready to go for his next exploration. They need to check the plan and visit the tribes. Jimin was totally ready to lose his eyeball rolling his eyes because that cocky arrogant CEO is gonna be with him.

He opted to wear a Grey faded Jean shorts reaching his mid thigh and a loose navy blue top that was made of a soft material almost covering half of his shorts. He put on light make up and nude lip gloss and a pair of silver earings completing his looks. He wore a white Gucci sneakers which was a random gift from his husband.

Now waiting for the devil to arrive. Jungkook told they can take one car as they are going towards the same destination. He was glad that he is not going to take that skinny assistant of his whom Jimin personally liked to call "vanda on a mango tree" even though he is a great help for Jungkook.

He stood on the small road from the highway that direct towards his sweet home wearing a sunglass to protect his eyes from the sunlight. He had a trot bag on his left shoulder.

Jimin saw the black Bugatti coming his way and he immediately knew that was his ride.  Taking sassy steps Jimin opened the passenger side door and got in.

Jungkook wore a maroon coloured tailored suit which was hugging his buff body perfectly with a sunglass adorning his eyes. He looked at his right seeing Mrs. Kim getting inside elegantly.

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