45.•••We Are Twinning•••

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"Oh my God can you stop crying Beomgyu?"  Jimin was analyzing his stomach infront of the mirror. Telling a small lie Jimin and Beomgyu had came back to the mansion. Jungkook was more than frustrated now as the smaller had refused to come back. Half an hour of being in the office, Jimin was out of his company with his brothers assistant.

It's not because Jungkook needed to complete his work but to want his pretty wife's presence in his office.

Jimin pouted when his stomach was still looking flat.
"It won't pop out suddenly. You are only five weeks along Jimin hyung." Beomgyu said in between his sniffles. Jimin glared at the male.

" Why are you still crying? It should be the happiest moment of your life Beomgyu. I have always wanted to be a mother."

"But you are married. M.A.R.R.I.E.D. Here I am knocked up before marriage and we haven't even celebrated our one year dating anniversary..." The smaller wailed again aching Jimins ears further.

"That's the result of your actions, you horny bunnies." Jimin blinked his eyes when Beomgyu glared at him. Clearing his throat, he continued.

" Taehyun loves you. He will be shocked of course. But he won't abandon you just like that. See, Jeon blood is little complicated like they are dominant, possessive, horny all the time, but they are genuine. And even If he does, Jungkook would surely whoop his a*s... Now tell me how will we pop out this news to Jungkookie."

Jimin asked excitedly with his red tinted cheeks. Thinking about telling this to Jungkook was making him squeal. Oh my god he is in love with this baby.

"I am scared." Beomgyu stopped crying but the occasional hiccups and sniffles poured out of him still. Jimin felt bad for the smaller now. It's true, if he had known he was pregnant when he was with Jungkook in college. He would be terrified too.

"Okay. I am with you. Like I said, the Jeons have a heart of gold. Taehyun loves you, I can see that. You seems like his everything. We will reveal it together. What do you say?" Beomgyu blew his nose with a tissue and thought about it. The male's nose resembled a ripened cherry tomato. He uncrossed his legs on the bed and stood up.

"Okay.... I am so dump I didn't notice I was so hungry these days. And the biggest of them being getting nauseous whenever I saw ice creams." Jimin looked at Beomgyu weirdly.

"Ice cream?" Jimin loved ice cream. how can Beomgyu feel nauseous watching ice creams?

"Because taehyun doesn't like it. Guess this baby hates it too. Hey are you really going to show you are like your daddy?" Beomgyu complained to his stomach.

"you are lucky you are still able to eat a lot. But in my case, i always want to eat all the junks. But not the real food. And I was so touchy these days. Guess it was hormones."

"guess what? our babies will be of the same age." Beomgyu had a small smile now, followed by Jimins.

" Oh my God my mother Jimin!!!!!!"

"Don't shriek. oh god."

Taehyun and Jungkook were returning back to their house. One guilty of lashing out at Beomgyu and the other angry at Jimin. He only had a few minutes to see the male and the next moment he was out of his sight with no returning back.

Jungkook only said yes to their outing because he can't say no to Jimin. But the younger is getting a lot naughty these days that he feels like he must tame that beauty.

"I think both are in your room. Beomgyu is not in my room."  both the brothers walked towards Jungkooks room.

They  stood at the entry way of Jungkooks bedroom and saw Jimin and Beomgyu lying on their backs looking at the ceiling having a warm talk. Both male's admired their respective babies for sometimes. Jungkook knocked at the door followed by both the youngers jumping looking at the door way.

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