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Jimin had a good night sleep after so long. He got up from the bed he used to sleep before marriage. Even if he had spend time here a lot, still after coming from Taehyungs home it feels like a fortune.

Yesterday night Jimin and his parents had a small BBQ night outside their backyard. Jimin genuinely laughed a lot yesterday. He was feeling a lot fresh after taking a bath this morning.

But his mood turned into sour seeing a text from his assistant that he had to go with the Jeon for a field visit.

"Hello Mia is this field visit necessary today? Tae is not here."

[Mrs. Kim we have to start the construction by the end of this week. So I am afraid we can't postpone it.]

"Did you inform my husband?"

[Yes Mrs. Kim.]

Jimin was wondering why Taehyung haven't called if he got the information of the field visit. It's too late that his husband hadn't made a fuzz about him going alone with that Jeon.

His husband called in the next moment breaking his thoughts. Jimin let out a sigh thinking about inevitable.

"Hey babe. I heard about a field visit?"

[Yes Tae. It can't be postponed so I will have to go with that Jeon.]

"Be careful babe. You know him right? He is a charmer and he knows well how to use that charm on pretty people like you."
Jimin blushed at the pretty word.

[ I know that more than anyone Tae. How is work going there?]

"It's  pretty hectic. I will finish it soon and come back to you fast. Is that okay with my beautiful wife." Jimin giggled at that and turned around in bed.

[Yes. Come faster I am waiting~]

After hanging up the call with Taehyung Jimin got up to get ready to meet with the Jeon Jungkook. Annoyance written all over his body language.

Now a grumpy Jimin was driving towards kureshian mountains were Jungkook was waiting for him.

Jimin parked his car and got out of the car in his crisp office suit with sunglasses. He had a button up and a Blazer over it. With a pencil skirt reaching his knees of the same colour as his blazer.
He saw Jungkook leaning on his car door. Seems like he didn't bring his assistant who sticks to him 24*7.

Jimin cursed himself for checking out his enemy. Nobody could resist the charm of that man. Jimin had learned it by now.

"I thought Park jimin was a very punctual man?" Jungkook said with a smirk plastered on his face bringing the annoyance in Jimin.

"And I thought you are not forgetful? It's not Park Jimin. It's Kim Jimin now." Jungkook didn't comment further about that. He raised his brows and shrugged his shoulders and took off his sunglasses.

They walked towards the stone pathway that lead to their plot. Now that Jimin was seeing the atmosphere, he can see why Jungkook chose this place. It's beautiful and perfect for the tribes. The view is amazing. Jimin can already picture the families enjoying with their kids here.

Jungkook and Jimin walked here and there discussing their plan. For now, Jimin concentrated on work. But whenever Jungkook spoke about serious matters Jimins attention brought his eyes towards Jungkooks serious face, his murmuring mouth, his frown when he talks about something serious. Jimin felt like a sinner for examining someone else other than his husband. The more he thought the more he felt shameful for even looking at someone's way when his husband was out of country.
How could he look at a playboy like Jungkook afterall.

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