41.•••Who Is Minnie?•••

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Jimin applied  strawberry lip gloss on his plump lips looking at the vanity mirror. With a satisfied grin he smacked his lips.  He  analysed   himself looking at the mirror. He looked good. But the pink pimple that stood out on his left cheek was a sore thump. Jimins initial grin was replaced with a frown. He had dolled up so good and this little sh*t of a pimple had to ruin his efforts. And it looked like a strawberry on his pale cheeks. Above that, it was tender to touch.

Today he was wearing a simple navy blue dress which looked modest at the same time dashing on Jimin.


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"Jungkookie... Jungkookie!!!!" Jimin screamed from were he was standing infront of the mirror. The older who was engaged in an online meeting already wearing his dress shirt and pants for the occasion politely clicked the mute button on the screen.

"What is it baby?"

"Come here.." Jimin wore the star earrings on his ear now.

"I am on a meeting Jimin. Later."

Jungkook continued his meeting after that but he couldn't concentrate on it when he didn't get a reply from Jimin. The silence can only  indicates that Jimin was angry. He said an apology to his investor in abroad and walked towards Jimin. The smaller didn't looked at Jungkook ignoring the other.

"Okay I think my Minnie is mad now? What should his husband do?"

"He should go back to his business which is more important than his wife."

"Okay very mad. Is there a less punishment for him?" Jimin thought for a while.

" He should spend a day with his wife, giving his whole attention to his Minnie." Jungkook nodded his head in all seriousness. 

"All attention to Minnie. Now tell me why were you screaming my name? Jimin let out a sigh. His mood turning to sour.

"I wanted to give a good impression infront of your grandparents and look at this stupid pimple taking all the attention from this doll face." Jungkook looked at that rosy pout like a whipped dog. Jimin can shoot lasers through that marble eyes and Jungkook would die with a stupid grin.

"Let me look" Jungkook cupped those cheeks analyzing Jimins face." Wow.. that is a beautiful little strawberry you have got there. Cute." .

" Yes an ugly red strawberry." Jimin had an upset frown on his face.

" These cheeks are for me to admire. So my baby stop worrying. You look not any less pretty. We are already late. Dad will be waiting."

The whole Jeon family including the future addition Beomgyu was having a delightful family dinner with the occasional talks and laughs. Jackson and Hobi shared a few secret glances here and there. Whenever Jackson looked at the younger, Hobi would go all red and squirm in his seat.

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