26.•••The Side Piece•••

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"I am not going anywhere with you." Beomgyu said with his puffed cheeks and pout. His eyes flowing with endless tears.

"You went with that b*tch. You didn't look at my way. And you said I was just your hyung's assistant. I hate you." Beomgyu was trying to get out of Taehyuns hold during his rant. But was he successful? Taehyun had a firm grip on him. No matter how much the smaller was squirming he was not able to escape the hold.

"Oh my God cutie she is a b*tch . Her tongue is so long that she would publicise you in the whole world stating that you are f*cking the CEO's brother. Do you want that baby?"

Beomgyu stopped squirming and looked at taehyun. All the scenerios he had created in mind vanishing slowly

"Are you telling the t-truth?" Beomgyu asked carefully. Not looking at Taehyuns face. Still not stopping crying.

" Yes I am telling the truth. Stop crying. I can't see you like this."

" But I can't believe you. You didn't asked me out. You didn't do t-that with m-me. "

Taehyun smirked at Beomgyu. He knew what the smaller was stating. He chuckled at the adorable face.

"I thought I was your boyfriend? Was there a need to ask. I said numerous times that I was yours. And about doing that. What do you mean by that?" Taehyun raised beomgyu's chin and still the other one was not looking at him.

Beomgyu flushed red at that." I know you understand. Don't play with me."

"I genuinely don't understand." Taehyun said making a clueless face.

" W-we didn'tmakeloveyet." Beomgyu said in one breath and buried his head in taehyuns chest.

" I didn't hear it."

"Go away you know what I am telling." Beomgyu said with a frustrated groan. Taehyun chuckled at the smaller. He kissed the smallers head.

"I wanted you to be ready baby. I don't want to compel you. I don't want you to feel that I am with you for your body. You know I was a well known playboy."

" I know Mr. Jeon told me everything about you. And your dad too." Taehyuns smile dropped at that.

Jimin walked outside the apartment complex wiping his tears. His chest ached. He left everything behind. Now he was no longer Kim Jimin. He was going to be park Jimin after the court finalizing their divorce. But Jimin considered him as park Jimin from now onwards.

He clutched his hand bag in one hand and walked towards the figure that was standing not far away from him. Jungkook widened his eyes seeing the angry chick approaching him.

He stood there like he didn't see anyone and started looking at the lamb post near the road side.

"Ow. Ouch...." Jimin was hitting Jungkook with his hand bag like there is no tomorrow. The people who were walking on the road was looking at them weirdly.

"Jimin stop it. Oh god. It hurts Minnie." Jimin stopped his hits when he heard the familiar name Jungkook used to call him. Jimin blinked his teary  eyes for sometimes.

"Do you think I am a fool. Do you think I can't recognize you in all black. I have seen you following me all the way from Japan airport. Seems like you have been following me  all way from Korea. You knew all of this right? You gave me hint that day right? Are you happy now? Happy that I got played just like you did once." Jimin sobbed hard. Jungkook shook his head denying it immediately.

"No Jimin. Yes I did knew about Taehyung. But I wanted you to find it rather than finding it from me. I am not happy Jimin. I am disgusted in myself and my best friend for putting you through so much. I am sorry."

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