53.•••Elina Is Definitely A Bad News•••

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"Jiminie baby..." It only took Jungkook to take five steps ahead before that he reached the smaller who was trying his best to waddle away from his husband.

Jimin huffed when he became tired after only taking five steps on the stairs. He looked at his swollen feet with a pout.

"It's alright take it easy. Hold my hand." Jimin looked at the hand that was directed towards him by his husband and at Jungkook, more like glared at Jungkook.

"You know how I was craving that yesterday night. I don't want to be those kind of spouses who make their man go in the middle of the night to find their snacks. Yet you forgot about me. I can guess, you were so much immersed in that new project of yours." Jimin took three more steps talking to Jungkook at the same time holding his husband's hand for leverage.

Jungkook gulped at the accusations Jimin made.
Jimin was right. He was the most calm pregnant person. The smaller only got irritated when Jungkook made him follow the diet. And it strictly stated that no cravings are ignored at any cost. Yet he forgot. He felt guilty.

Jungkook helped Jimin settle on the bed.  He then wiped his soft cheeks that were smeared with tears. Jimin sat there looking at his hands on his lap.

"I m sorry. Will you forgive your husband this once?" Jungkook took Jimins both hands in his bigger palms and kissed each of his hands.

"Okay how about I make burgers for you?" Jimins eyes widened in surprise. Jungkook had never stepped foot inside the kitchen after getting married to him. So this was kind of a surprise.

" You would?"

" Yes, ofcourse I would for both of my princesses." Jungkook caressed Jimins belly and in response he got a little kick at the side. He pressed a kiss on the same side of the belly making Jimin giggle.

"Wait for me here. Your burger is on the way."

"let's make burgers in the morning. Go wash up and cuddle me." Jimin doesn't want to make the older work after coming from a long day. His heart won't allow that.

"Are you sure? Minnie I know how your cravings are."

"and now I am craving a cuddle."

" Okay cuddle it is." Jungkook pecked the smallers lips and got up from the bed.

"Ella's sister came today. And I think we should settle her as soon as possible. This girl is not a good news."

"You think so?" Jungkook said in between wearing a t shirt after taking a bath. Jimin leaned on the closet door watching his husband change.

"Yes. She have pretty bad mouth for her age."

"If my baby thinks she is bad news. Send her and her sister whom you think have a crush on me away from here. "

" She doesn't just have a crush on you but an obsession. No matter what your friend do, she would always looks at you but not him who is literally interested in her." Jimin rolled his eyes. Jungkook chuckled looking at Jimin getting so annoyed at Ella.

"Let's forget Ella and her sister. come here let me cuddle this pretty boy." Jungkook picked up Jimin. He  placed the smaller on the bed and brought him to his chest. Jimin soon slept feeling the little caress of Jungkook on his head.
Jungkook smiled at the smaller who was sleeping with his parted lips. His world. He pressed a kiss on his forehead, closing his eyes.

Taehyung sat on the plush cushion of this sparkly restaurant with Krystal on his lap. Yoongi sat near him along with a side bag that had all the necessary item for their daughter.

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