57.•••~You Are The Best Friend For The Rest Of My Life~•••

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Jungkook sure knows he wouldn't be welcomed here even before coming here. But he needed to have a confrontation after years. Needed to mend some burning wounds.

The receptionist of the Kim's corporates was flustered taking in Jeon Jungkooks details that morning. She was mesmerized by the aura Jeon Jungkook possessed. The man was a piece of art straight out of the Greek mythology.

She can't argue with the Jeon about not having an appointment when the man was looking at her with those eyes. She had simply pointed one of the staffs to show sir Jeon the way towards the CEO's cabin.

The last few months for the Kim's corporates was hectic. With officers and lawyers coming in an out of the company on a daily basis. And atlast Kim Taehyung have successfully inherited his father's business. And Kim Dahyun was by law abstained from business for his wrong doings. His bank account being freezed and no money to pay for his compensation, the ones buff man had become frail and colourless with months of running from in an out of courts. With nothing left in his hands, carra and her son had stopped him from going there. He was finally thrown out from his mistress's home. In the end. Money the man spend on them was considered nothing.

Jungkook can tell the company had changed a bit both on its structure and function. The last time he came here was when Taehyung and him were still in college. No burden of business on their heads.

Now it's been a few long years. He was actually stepping foot on his rival territory.

Now Kim corporates worked on a peaceful basis. Only focusing on the actual profit. Raising funds for the poor kids on the name Krystal helping hands.

Jungkook was impressed and he was rather impressed that Taehyung was finally free from the clutches of Kim Dahyun.

He stood infront of the huge door of the CEO's office the same as that of the one he have at his company.

Without knocking Jungkook had entered the office door startling two men inside.

One the shocked Taehyung and a perplexed Yoongi who was holding a file in his hands.

Jungkook didnt wait for the "What are you doing inside my office?" But barged inside and dragged up Taehyung by his collar. Even before the latter had the time to comprehend, Jungkooks fist had landed on his jaw in a heavy blow.

Yoongi gasped shocked to see the scene of his husband getting his jaw wacked.

"This is for breaking my Jimins heart." Next blow.

"This is for giving him birth control pills and making him feel stupid.

Another blow.

" This is for cheating on him you fu*ker."

For every little blow Yoongi screamed and ran towards his husband but was stopped by a hand of his husband himself.

After about ten minutes. Taehyung sat on his CEO chair with an icepack held onto his bruised jaw. Yoongi was dabbing an alcohol rub on his bleeding nose sniffling from time to time wiping his tears.

" I was waiting for you to finally do that." Taehyung said after a pregnant silence in the room. He looked towards jungkook who was analyzing his renovated CEO cabin.

" This is completely your style. Grey. He works for you?" Jungkook asked looking straight at Yoongi's eyes who got flustered by Jungkooks stare. Taehyung frowned at Yoongi before answering Jungkook.

" Yes. He is my assistant."

"mmh... Jimin is mine too. But he is on maternity live."

"Jimin gave birth?" Yoongi gasped out without thinking.

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