50.•••The Pawn Is Leading The Game now•••

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"The famous entrepreneur from China mr. Choi Gaham met with an unfortunate accident yesterday night and was died on spot-"

" SHIT!"
Kim Dahyun flung the remote towards the television in rage.

" That lunatic had to die now of all times. What about the shares he promised? And on top of that, his idiot of a daughter is a big Dumbo who haven't even completed her high school. What will that stupid homeschooled girl going to do with that company? It's going to get ruined." The man rumbled out ready to destroy everything that his eyes landed up on.

"You were the one who said that you are going to let Taehyung marry that girl? He can take over that company, how about that or you can give it our son." The woman purred in his ear. Her chest rubbing on his shoulders.

The woman have been leeching on him for the past 25 years. She knew more than anyone to snatch her chance with this man like she did it with getting pregnant with his child. Dahyun ofcourse fell for her beauty. She is still lean and sexy for her own good that Dahyun couldn't help but to do whatever she demanded like a loyal dog on her feet.

Minji Taehyungs mother found this relationship when Taehyung was ten. Her heart had broken into pieces that day. But dahyun had a way to get that lady in his mercy. She would shut her mouth if she was given enough money to feed. She never loved anything that associated with that man. Including her only son. It was an arranged marriage as a part of a contract. Because of that she had to leave her only love. That had messed up everything for her. Including the love she had for her son. Whenever she looked at Taehyung the only thing she remembered was how the man had forced this baby on her. That unfortunate night she wanted to forget. And the many nights that followed were she lived like a rag doll for dahyun to use like he pleased. And at the end of everything she learned to become heartless and cruel.

"Honey. I am already going to give our company to him. It's not easy to lead Kim corporates that spreads all across the world but Taehyung could manage it with ease. He will do whatever I tell him like the good boy he is. Think of it like that. I will make you a queen carra. Just like I have promised you." They both laughed at their own fantasy.

Jimin took out his and Jungkooks laundry from the washing machine. He can't sit idle like this. One time he thought of going back to work, he got surprised by this baby. Now jungkook won't even let him move a limb. He is fed up with sitting like this.

"Aren't you giving momma a hard time? You doesn't even let momma smell anything other than your daddies scent. Come out quick will you? I want to see you so bad."
Jimin caressed his lower stomach with a gentle smile. No matter how tired he get, he would endure it a hundred times for his baby.

"You shouldn't be doing any work." Ella said snatching the laundry basket from Jimin. The latter was surprised at the sudden action from her.

"I can do small works. Give me that laundry." Jimin said with a gentle smile.

"Don't get us scolded because of you. Mr. Jeon would come at me again for whatever you do." Jimin can feel a twinge of some anger in her tone. His mother was right, she have some grudges against him. If it's the matter that involves Jungkook, he needs to be careful around this girl. She was not giving him eyes too. Instead she concentrated on doing her things.

" Did he scolded you last time when I vomited? I have told Jungkook to not be harsh on you. Don't mind him. He gets mad easily when the matter comes to me. He always have been like this. Back in college he had almost twisted that Sam's leg for talking dirty with me." Ella frowned.
Back in college?

"Give me that basket. I will take care of it. I am not bed ridden." Jimin took the laundry from her hands and disappeared from the room leaving Ella to her thoughts.

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