47.•••He Was Nothing But A Pawn•••

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Taehyung sat inside his father's home office holding his breath for a while now. If he happened to let it out, he is sure it would come out loud.

His father had that aura that could bring Taehyung to his knees. Taehyung was saved by a narrow luck when this old man tried him to enroll in a military boarding school.

He could say he had the best life when he was with Jungkook. He enjoyed life through Jungkook. But he is the same one who refused those hands of care. It all went down when his father started instilling things inside his mind. Taehyung still remember's the phrase; "you are not better than him. You are only that person who lives under the shadow of Kim's, if it's not for me you are nothing"

When he was with Jungkook, he never had to think about the Kim's or the company or his father. Just two teens enjoying their adulthood.

That's when Jimin came in the picture. Jungkook never had a serious relationship. But it was not the case with Jimin. He again cried infront of his mother about Jungkooks sudden change and she said exactly like she used to tell him; that is to snatch the smaller from Jungkook. And he did.

"Taehyung! Are you here? I am talking about a serious matter and you are not even listening."

" I am sorry dad. I got distracted for a moment."

" Look at me son. We Kim's don't have distractions. Infact we are keen about our surroundings. The only thing we should focus on is to keep our legacy and name shine. So dad have this proposal and I hope you will follow this too."

Taehyungs heart started beating at a fast pace. He dread the next words of his father.

"You have to marry that choi's daughter. A merge with these two companies are like a dream come true. Do you get me son?"


"Aish son your marriage is not legal. It's just a matter of throwing him out and inviting the gold inside." Taehyung felt a churning inside his mouth. The smallers broken face the other night flood inside his mind. To throw him out along with their daughter?

"Not legal? I had that papers send to the registration office." The man laughed at his sons clueless face.

"Oh my god son, you take me for a fool? You didn't send any papers, i had taken care of it. You both just share those rings nothing more." Taehyung felt betrayed looking at that man's face.

"I know what you are thinking. It's about Krystal right. You don't have to throw her away. She can stay here Taehyung. Like your daughter. But throw away the other one. He is just a waste of space anyways." Taehyungs hands clenched itself on the couch he was sitting. Why doesn't he have voice when it comes to Yoongi and Krystal. Why doesn't he fight for the ones who had loved him for what he was. Not for the Kim's, not for the big CEO Kim Taehyung. But just the Taehyung. The one who had failed to live like a human.

"I know your silence means you need time. I am giving you time. But remember this. if you hold hands with the choi's, it means Jungkook is going to taste his defeat. Isn't it sweet to hear that? " The man's evil Snickers echoed throughout the walls of that voice and it strike every corner of Taehyungs heart too. In a fearful way. This man was capable of anything.

Ella opened the box of glitters and started sorting everything on their garden ground. The green grass was decorated with artificial snow drops and glitters.

Jungkook was busy blowing balloons along with Taehyung. And Jimin and Beomgyu were sitting on a table that was put for the guests that was arriving today.

They were given some glitters to work on too but not anything heavy as strictly told by their beloveds.

Ella frowned thinking about the whole event that was happening she had no idea about.

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