43.•••Assistant Minnie•••

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Employees were rushing here and there that morning. Their boss haven't showed up yet. He was someone punctual who would reach his office at sharp times. Not a minute late. But today he had his doll accompanying him who took almost an hour to get ready today.

Jungkook looked at his side watching Jimin taking big bites from a burger which the smaller had asked for soon after seeing a burger shop. That too in the morning on their way to the company. Who is Jungkook to say no to that face. So right now he watched his wife eating like a mess.

Jungkook parked the car inside their parking lot. Jimin saw the parking lot which was filled with cars and two wheelers of different types. And Jungkook had a special place to park  his  expensive car.

"Look at your face Minnie. You have mayonnaise on your lips." Jungkook took Jimins lips for a kiss. He felt Jungkooks tongue gently swiping the sauce off his lips.

"Now its all clean." Jungkook said with a satisfied grin. Jimin felt his cheeks getting heated.

Both the husband and wife walked in between the B level employees cabin to reach their elevator. Jimin heard many whispers here and there. Last time he was here, Jimin looked miserable enough to look like a nobody. But today the smaller looked like a model. His high heels clattering on the marble floor.

Jimin chose to walk with his head raised high. He was going to show  people who ridiculed him about who he actually was. He was here as Jungkook's new assistant. Let him be the assistant now. But after next week Jimin is going to be exclusively Jeon Jimin for the world. Because the Jeons have arranged a press meeting to reveal their marriage.

"Where is appa? I haven't seen him for breakfast today?"
Jackson had been absent in their house since this morning. Jimin was a little observant these days and he have seen his father in law being all weird these days. He even had noticed a hickey on Jackson's neck the other day. Jimin is not  dump about such things. His father in law was acting like a whipped person in love.

"Wow. Mrs. Jeon I have been waiting for you. Come here we have a lot to discuss." Beomgyu took Jimins hands and separated him from his husband. Jungkook  frowned at his overly enthusiastic ex assistant.

"He is going to train me to be the great Jeon's "assistant." Jimin put quotation marks in the air for assistant. The other male was too excited to train his boss's wife. These past months Jimin had become beomgyu's close friend. They are more compatible as they both have almost similar partners whom possessed the same personalities. That made both male friends immediately.

"Okay this is going to be your table. As you know Mr. Jeon likes his assistant to be close to him. He would call a hundred times in an hour." Beomgyu showed Jimin his working desk. Jimin had seen it once when he came to Jungkooks office. But he was too much emotional that day to notice it better.
Now that he looked at the desk it had a straight view of the outside city. The floor to ceiling window was Jimins favorite. Back at the Kim's he always felt he was closed up in a box with the overly modernized cabin of Taehyung. But here everything was simple at the same time artistic.

"Oh he is that bothersome?"

"You can't even imagine." Beomgyu said rolling his eyes followed by a giggle from Jimin.

"Ok enough about our arrogant boss. How is your boyfriend doing?" Jimin asked in a whisper. He doesn't want his big baby to get mad.

"I thought he would be lovey dovey after me being his assistant. But these days we have a heck lot of work and he is all serious while doing his work. He even yelled at me the other day." Beomgyu said the last sentence with a pout. Jimin felt it. He can't even imagine Jungkook yelling at him worse even glaring at him. He would definitely cry a river like a damned baby.

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