16.••• Cold Outside And Hot Inside•••

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Double update lovelies... (A secret: a little steamy chapter 😉)

Jungkooks POV

It's been a whole two months of Jimin and me going out on dates. I would manipulate the cutie pie into agreeing on dates with me. But I know more than anyone that he is anticipating for those days.

I couldn't forget the first date we had. He was just wearing a simple dress yet he looked like an angel.

He was nervous about the whole setting of the date but after being with me his eyes didn't stop crinkling at the most random things. He is so special to me. Everything about him is special to me. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that I love Jimin. But I don't want to scare him away.

And the kiss. I haven't forgot the first time it happened. I was this stuck at the moment I forgot the way to my home. His lips were soft like cottony soft. The urge to feel those against mine was so hard. But I can say it's not the first, every time I drop him back he would tip toe on his feet and kiss my cheeks.

I wanted to ask him out for so long. Hell I wanted to be his everything the moment I laid my eyes on him.

He still looks at me like he is not interested at all but I am gonna change that soon. Cutie pie needs to learn a lesson.

Jimin was walking towards me looking at me occasionally as if he was trying to not make it obvious. He walked infront of me but I was busy on my phone.

When he tried to talk to me I immediately called Felix randomly and started talking to him. His lips were formed into the biggest pout. After looking at me for sometimes he started walking away with that sassy steps that I liked so much. I know he is damn pissed at me because I haven't messaged him since Saturday night, now it's Monday.

I feel a little bad for my princess but he should start being serious. He is the same as always, sassy and bitchy. But mine.

Jimins POV

That idiot haven't messaged me for two days. He haven't replied for my mornings or goodnight even though he read everything.

I missed him so much at home that I was running to college today and the idiot  was looking at his phone. He didn't called me beautiful nor he checked out my new skirt which I wore only to get noticed by him. He didn't even bare a glance at it. Now I am more than hurt. I know I have been a bit rude to him but I give him kisses on his cheeks every time we said our byes. Then what happened to him?

It was lunch time and I was not in the mood to eat anything. I barely listened to my class. His face was the constant thing that came into my mind. It made my eyes tear.

I again walked infront of him slightly raising my skirt a little bit more so that he would ogle my thighs like he did every time but not in a bad way though. Anything to get his eyes on me. But look at him sitting talking to that Mina. She is like a leech. I know they are best friends but does she have to be always around him and circle her hands around his biceps like that? I should be the one doing that right?

"Jiminie why are you looking at your food and not eating anything?" I was snapped out my thoughts of strangling Mina in 101 ways by my friend Eliana. She was my best buddy here in college. We met during our first day at college and we got clicked real soon.

"I am not in the mood elii. I am just going to throw it away." I stood up from my seat and throw the food in the bin and walked out of the cafeteria.

I went to the vast garden of  College of business and arts University Seoul with my thoughts of that idiot. The best thing about this University is it's large green garden with several trees, perfect place for couples. I can already see a couple of them here and there. I went to my and Jungkooks favorite place and sat on a bench near by. My thoughts soon going to one person.

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