27.•••The New Predicament•••

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"Tae~ Mr. Jeon send us to Finland for a business not honey moon." Beomgyu said biting his lips and moaning when his boyfriend was going down on him for the third time during their stay here which was only a day and a half.

Taehyun came up grinning wide looking at his cutie who was looking flushed and sweaty. The sight was everything to Taehyuns eyes. He wished to etch this image in his heart for a life time. Beomgyu looked pretty under him.

"Who do you think asked for this opportunity? And for your information. There is no business here." Smallers eyes widened at that. "Surprised!!" Taehyun earned a slap on his chest.

"Oh my!! Did you just planned everything Tae? I can't believe you."

" You said you wanted to visit Finland on our first time. Who am I to not fullfil my cutie pies dream?" Beomgyu suddenly became speechless . His eyes watering slightly and Taehyun panicked.

"Hey why are you crying pabo?" The older caressed beomgyu's cheek's still lying on top of him. Beomgyu didn't say anything but grabbed Taehyuns head and brought him to a passionate kiss. The words which he wanted to tell was evident in that kiss. Beomgyu put all his emotions in that passionate exchange. Their lips moulding perfectly.

"You are the best boyfriend in the world Tae." Saying this the smaller cried again making taehyun chuckle.

"Okay why don't we go for round three?" And Taehyun earned another slap on his head from the angry male.

Yoongi just breast fed krystal and buttoned up his shirt. Taehyung was getting ready for his day. It's been a few months after the incidents and one month of their marriage.

Yoongi was happy to be finally be with Taehyung. But at the same time, he can't believe his Taehyung would change like this. If anything Taehyung was ruthless after his divorce with Jimin. He not only broke that kind soul  but he is still doing things to completely break Jimin. How can someone say that they love someone by doing all this to see pain in them.

This is not the Taehyung that he fell in love with. But Yoongi taught himself to be patient. One day Taehyung would regret everything. He would understand his mistakes and Yoongi was waiting as usual.

Taehyung took krystal from Yoongi and pecked her pouty lips.

"You taste like your momma's milk baby." Taehyung said eyeing Yoongi flirtatiously. The smaller blushed at that.

Krystal grabbed her father's cheeks and started giggling. Now a days she have started to talk little words. Everyone at the mansion had accepted Krystal so fast but not Yoongi. The male had nothing. No family, no money. So he was treated poor. But just like in Jimins case Taehyung kept mump Everytime Yoongi was insulted. But Yoongi was not like Jimin. He always stands up for himself. 

No one can win against Yoongi, So Taehyungs cousins are scared of the smaller male. Only yeonjun was there for Yoongi. The only male's who sympathized with Jimin was Soobin and his wife yeonjun. So Yoongi only spoke with those two.
And recently yeonjun gave birth to their son. And Krystal is so in love with her baby brother.

"Are you still going with that plan?" Yoongi asked being cautious.

" Yes I am. " Yoongi couldn't do anything when the authority was with his husband.

"Get ready with Krystal afternoon. We are going out." Taehyung said with a smile and pecked Yoongi's lips. He gave one last kiss to his baby girl and gave her back to Yoongi.

"Where are we going?" Yoongi asked before Taehyung could go out of the room.

" To somewhere. If you want to go some place tell me we can go." At times like these Taehyung was more than affectionate. But when it comes to Jimin the later was someone else.

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