15.•••The Thoughts Of A Pale Beauty•••

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Jimins POV

He said he should have done something special. Yet he arranged the most beautiful date for us.

When the car stopped infront of a big luxurious restaurant I was stunned to speak. I became insecure in an instant thinking about my appearance and dress.

But jungkook yet again surprised me by pulling me close to him by my waist assuring me there was nothing to worry about.

This was the first time I was going to a restaurant like this. We don't even go out to eat that much. Dad and mom would cook something from the backyard and we would eat outside looking at the moon and the stars. That was our barbeque nights.

It doesn't even compare to what I am seeing now. The restaurant was at the roof top. I was so nervous that my steps were wobbly.

"Don't be so nervous baby. I've got you. Don't mind any of them. Just look at me."

Look at him? Is he crazy? It makes my heart thump and hands clammy. Jungkook took my hands in his big veiny hands. His hands. Oh god!! They were big, it was engulfing my palm. The warmth was giving me tingles all over my body. I wanted to know more about him.

"Where are your parents staying?" I initiated the conversation when we were waiting for my first expensive dinner.

"In London. Both are working there and I have a brother."

" Oh!! you also have a brother? What does he do?"

" He is in his last year in high school. He is a copy of mine." Jungkook said taking a sip from his wine. Even the way he drinks his wine looks so hot.

"Okay.. Apart from playing around what is your favorite thing to do?"

" Someone is more interested to know about me today I see...." I rolled my eyes at the fact that he is still cocky.

"Okay!!! okay!! I like painting. I paint what I feel is beautiful to me. And I like gaming. And eating a lot of food." Jungkook was making sure that I won't be irritated by his playfulness today.

" I like drawing too.. not the painting thing but more like pencil drawing.. I like cooking and I like children very much." I loved kids. I used to take care of my aunt's kids. I was their favorite.

" Already planning for a family!! I don't mind. I like kids too. We can have a couple of them." My mouth was wide open hearing him already planning our kids.

"I am just kidding. Don't look at me like that." He always had something playful to say to raise my mind.

It was the most special I had ever felt in my whole life. Jungkook made me special. He took care of me as if I was everything to him. But I was scared at the same time. People have told me Jungkook did this to everyone just to get them into bed. But when I look into his eyes it feels like I was the only one. The way he calls me baby, I wanted to refuse but at the same time I liked him calling me baby.

Just like now we were at this hill top and he was looking at me adoringly.  I am confused about why he said he liked me. Can anyone like someone with just one look? I don't know. But it's hard to not like him back.

"Look." I didn't know what to look but the moment a pop sound came I looked at the sky seeing fire works. If someone took a picture of me now, my mouth would be wide open in that.

"Wow. I have heard we can book this prior for someone special. Whoever is receiving this will be very lucky."

"no. It's the opposite. The other one is lucky to have someone special." Jungkook never took his eyes from my face for just once. I know my cheeks would be red under the glowing lights from the fire works.

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