13.•••Say Yes For A Coffee Date•••

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Jungkooks POV

I have been standing here patiently for the past couple of minutes early in the morning. Literally speaking I am not a morning person. I am more like an all nighter, well that's another story. Especially yesterday I would have been drinking away in some clubs or going for night rides with my buddies. But no I didn't. I couldn't sleep yesterday thinking about what should I do to win Jimin's heart.

No one has ever made me feel like this. I woke up early and got ready to see the beauty. I didn't know I was this patient about something like I am being for Jimin now.

My thoughts were all about him when the beauty himself walked through the familiar gates kissing someone's cheeks. That man looked a lot older but still handsome as hell. My fist clenched seeing someone could feel those lips rather than me.

I smirked seeing the beauty rolling his eyes just catching a glimpse of me. He shouldn't be wearing all this cute clothes and expect me to not swoon for him. He was wearing an overall. He could just make a cloth made of sack and make it 'cute' by wearing it.

"Where are your scaredy cat's?"

"What do you mean?" His cute button nose was scrunched in disgust by my question. Too much hate!!

"Nothing. How are you today? If someone bothers you here, you can tell me." My lips were stretched to full. Am I looking like an idiot now?

"And who are you, my guardian? I can take care of myself. So please let me be 'brother'." Well that hurts. He could have friend zoned me. But brother?

" Look I may look like a complete player to you. But I am not. They are just jealous of me."

" And why are you telling me this?" Jimin was still walking without sparing me a moment. I don't think to give up on him any time soon. So I trailed behind him like a lost puppy.

"I know what half of the girls and boys think about me. But I cant change that. Maybe that's probably why you are looking at me like this." Jungkooks last words were a whisper. Jimin stood on the tracks and turned towards me. His eyes, those beautiful pearls. He would kill me with that eyes.

"I don't judge people immediately Mr. Jeon Jungkook. But I don't like arrogant assholes like you. You said I am yours, don't even dream about it. It won't happen." Still Jimins cheeks were getting pink. I know it had some effect on him.

"Princess I didn't joke about that. I will make you mine. So my question is will you come with me for a cup of coffee?"

"Aren't you too confident that I will agree with you immediately? Not in a million years. And you are standing in our department. This area is not yours.  So you can go and stand there scaring juniors. How does that sound?" For a beauty he had some serious attitude, which was turning me on so much. Sadly he is right. College had strict rules about going in different departments especially seniors visiting juniors. I had to go sadly.

"Tell me if you change your mind baby. I will be waiting." Jimin fled from there with that beautiful pout that I love to see on him.

"Where were you Jungkook? You didn't wait for me in the morning." I know Tae would be mad at me but I couldn't wait for him thinking about seeing Jimin.

"I wanted to see him. Thought I shouldn't be late." By the looks on his face I knew he was not impressed. I know what he feels about this. Because I have made a few girls and boys cry. Actually it was not my fault. I made everything clear initially but  they always expects something more. Its not my fault.

"You won't change Jeon." Again he said that sentence. Why can't they believe me?"

" Tae why are you like this? Help in this brother. Remember the time I helped you by taking the blame of that fight?" Jungkook said circling his arms around Taehyungs shoulder. The later rolled his eyes.

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