58.•••This was Their Happy End•••

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Three cribs were arranged in the garden of Jungkook and Jimins home. A baby blue one in the middle of two baby pink cribs.

You must be wondering why the third crib? Well Jungkook and Taehyuns younger sister arrived one month back on a rainy night and the pink baby girl was named Talia. A gentle dew from heaven.

She was hoseok's world. A gift from God after waiting for a fortune. The male had many complications during his pregnancy but still he managed for this pure joy.

"Hyung. I m nervous. How will I present this?" Taehyun asked while he was acting like he was arranging the pink and white tulips around an arch just beside Jungkook who was doing the same.

"You know him for almost 2 years now Taehyun. Why are you acting like a teenage boy in love? It's like squeezing a lemon." The older shrugged in a ‘duh’ expression.

"This is an actual proposal hyung. This is not like your love story were you practically commanded Jimin hyung to marry you." Jungkook pushed his tongue inside his cheeks looking around the lawn spotting his beautiful affliction clad in a lavender gown.

"I didn't command him. Don't let him hear that, he would want a proposal like this soon after hearing that. He is still sensitive after pregnancy." The older swallowed thinking about the possibility of that coming into reality.

"If you want your peaceful bedroom life help me with this." Taehyun crossed his arms over his chest with a raised eyebrow.

"Fine!" Jungkook rolled his eyes.

"Guys the cake is ready. Me and Yoongi worked hard for this one." An enthusiastic Taehyung said pointing his fingers at a three tier white cake with pearly sugars over it.
The cake looked beautiful, straight out of a marriage function.

"Tae you overdid it like its his marriage. It's just a proposal."

"Hyung! Tone down. He will hear you." Taehyun looked at his boyfriend arranging flowers on the lawn along with his mother and Jimin.
Yes, nowadays Taehyun and Jungkook call Hoseok mom. The male was a crying mess after they called him mom for the first time.

The trio had heart eyes watching their loves arranging flowers on the lawn. They were three whipped souls for those three pretty beings. Plus one because right then came the other whipped Jeon holding a tray of cup cakes.

"Why are you three looking like you all are on the verge of drooling?" Jackson looked at their line of vision but only one male stuck on his eyes and that was his Hobi. The now chubby male was near the crib watching out their three angels.

The trio shook their head, blinking their eyes to clear their line of vision.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Taehyungs little toddler kissy came running towards her father. Taehyung grabbed his princess up soon when he saw her running towards him.
Seeing the scene, Jungkook immediately wanted such a moment in his life. He looked towards his four months old baby girls crib which was situated under a shade with the others. The thought of holding her came into his mind but Jimin would definitely twist his ears if he happened to wake Athena.

"Daddy, where is mommy's baby?" Krystal inquired with her big round eyes grabbing several attention on her.

"Mommy's  baby is right in my hands. Kissy aren't you mommy and daddy's baby?" The child immediately shook her head in negative.

"No. He doesn't have a baby. Look Jiminie, beomie and grandma has a baby but my mommy doesn't have one." The others chuckled at her innocence.

"Kissy, you are your mommy's baby just like those three baby's. You are just older than them because you are a big sister now. Go ask your dad and mom to get you a baby brother or sister. Which one do you want? A baby brother or a baby sister?" Taehyung looked at Taehyun with his mouth agape.

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