21.•••Unsettling Thoughts•••

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Jungkook walked through the aisle of the super market grabbing his toiletries. He does his shopping alone as he want his things in perfect.

He looked at the body wash of his preferred brand and searched for the one smell he goes for. But his attention got to the next one near the one he always used. The peach one. Looking at anything that reminded him of Jimin created a heaviness in his chest.

He grabbed it and opened the lid to get a whiff of the cent he yearns for in the entire world.
No it doesn't smell like nowhere near Jimin. His Jimin is perfect, nothing and no one can compare to his world.

Jungkook kept the body wash back with a sigh. Every single day reminds him of how he cannot have Jimin in his arms and that cent not in his life.

Jungkook moved on to the next aisle stoping at the stack of cereals. His memory going back to that day when he came here with Jimin.

It was a weekend trip and he still remembers what they bought from here. Especially that 'thing' they needed more as they were two horny adults back then.

But Jungkook was looking at the aisle and smiling because of some other reason. He had Jimin inside the push cart and they were kissing madly not minding where they were and Jungkook crashed Jimin with the cart to this stack of cereals. They barely escaped from the cold glares of the shop owner that day leaving some amount of money there.

Jungkook chuckled at the memory. His chest tightened and eyes watered. How he wish a day more with Jimin. A day more by calling his Jimin mine. Jungkook doesn't want anything but one more day. Is it too selfish of him to want one more day with Jimin. But he knows that's a lie. He would want more. That won't be enough.

He clenched his fist when he thought about what Taehyung was doing to Jimin right now. He would break hell if he see a single tear on Jimins face. That's when his once best friend was playing with jimins life. Jungkook will not leave Taehyung for this. This time he will see his wrath for real.

Jungkook turned around bumping into someone immediately letting out a series of apologies. But his whole body felt the same warm feeling when the familiar peach cent engulfed him.

How Everytime Jungkook would restraint himself from grabbing Jimin and never letting him go. It was just the same because jimin was looking at him with those same brown pearls that he loved to melt in so much.


"Yeah. Me. What? Surprised?" Jungkook asked with a playful smile. No matter how much his insides cracks, he still had to put on that brave boy mask.

"Move aside. Don't stand in the middle." Jimin said not looking at Jungkook. Still with the usual pink glint on Jimins cheek. Jungkook wanted to pinch those cheeks.

"Why are you so upset. Your hubby didn't come back?" Jimin only glared at him. Jungkook looked inside Jimins cart seeing pads for the month. 'oops hormones'. He thought after seeing Jimins sassy walk.
Jimin couldn't help but feel something churning inside at the mention of Taehyung. He had never felt like this when his husband went on business trips. It's mandatory, Jimin knew that. But this time it felt different and Jungkook teasing him with that is not helping him.  It is only making him more sadder than usual.

"That's none of your business." Jimin fired back. He was already feeling a hell lot of frustrations and he can't handle a little more.

Jungkook was sorry but he had to give a hint to Jimin now or else his Minnie will be betrayed for life.

"Oh my assistant and brother went to Japan for the conference and they met Sejin. He asked about your husband. He is a nice substitute for Taehyung. He takes care of the branch quiet nice. Wish I had someone like that to look after my branch in Busan. It's a me-" Jungkook had to make up this stupid lie when he was with his assistant yesterday in Japan. But he knew there was a conference going on which was attended by his other employee.

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