37.••• Kookie's Minnie•••

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Jungkook dropped Beomgyu at his house. He was flying towards his house in panic. His blazer and tie was long thrown away to the back seat. Which means the man was in his black sexy button down.

He doesn't want Jimin to get the wrong idea. He wanted the smaller to trust him not to hate him anymore when he finally got back his love back.

Ella was the one who opened the door for him.  He was furiously typing on his home password, but she opened it before him. Like as if she was waiting for his arrival just like every other nights. But Jungkook had never noticed it ever. Ella as usual welcomed him with a huge smile. But Jungkook had no time to return it. He was practically running on the stairs towards his room.

And he was right. The smaller had already seen it. And was looking at him with the most deadliest glare ever. Jungkook started sweating with that gaze. And the fact that those beautiful pale cheeks was smeared with tears brought another panic inside.

"Jimin let me speak to you first. Then you can assume whatever you want."

"What? What are you going to tell?" Tell me faster." Jimin wanted the older to explain. He can't repeat the same mistake of not listening to Jungkook again. Even though Jimin felt a dread inside, he hid it for now. He was just desperate to know what the whole ordeal of that scandal was.

"Okay I had a deal with this Choi from China. He told he wanted to talk about our construction and suggested this club. I went with Beomgyu there and the scumbag had brought his daughter with him. I know from the very start that this man had something brewing up in his mind when he suddenly agreed to the deal. And I was right. I have seen plenty of those business partners showing their daughters and son's to me with the thought of getting me to marry them. It's not new to me. That's what happened. I don't know how media just twisted it."

"So you get plenty of proposals?" The only thing Jimin highlighted from the whole explanation was this one sentence.

"It's only normal for such things to happen in a business world. That b*tch even tried to have a dance with me-"

" Did you dance with her?" Jimin stood up from his sitting position ready to charge at Jungkook. And the taller slightly flinched at that.

"No baby. Do you think I would do something like that with that shameless girl?" Jimin was scary when he is angry.

" You shouldn't. You won't. Am I not enough for you? Was she beautiful?
Jimin asked furiously untying his robe only for Jungkook to get shook to the core. Jimin was wearing nothing but a lacy thong inside that robe. Jungkook looked like he saw a ghost. Speechless with his eyes twitching at the meal before him.

"Are you not turned on looking at me anymore? I was waiting for you all day with your favorite cheese cake that I prepared. And now you are here after creating a scandal. You are mine. You should only look at me. Don't you need me?" Jimin was infront of Jungkook, mere inches apart from the taller. His robe long discarded on the floor.
It was what Jungkook needed. The reassurance that Jimin longed for him just like the way he did.

Jungkook practically scooped the male towards his chest. Jimin stood stuck to him, Chest rising and falling against Jungkooks own hard pectorals, lips parted with his exhales coming out sharply, looking straight at Jungkooks eyes. The taller looked at the smaller with equal desire. Jimin looked magnificently appetizing. God had created one Jimin. And he was only for Jungkook to admire. He doesn't want to remember the past. The present, this moment, where Jimin was in his hands. That's what mattered.

"Jimin, you have no idea  how much I crave you. Every second, every minute, every hour of every days. I long for you. No one can be this close to Jeon Jungkook. No one. Only his Jimin belongs here. Only you." Jungkooks voice was deep with arousal. He grabbed Jimin more tightly. His hands grabbing a good amount of Jimins soft cotton body. He grabbed those plump lips he yearns for every day. It felt heaven. Finally being in each other's arms. Jimin had moaned into the kiss. He curled his arms around Jungkooks neck standing on his tip toes to reach his husband desperately. Both of them equally desperate to be as close to each other. Their lips moulding in a bruising kiss. Lips smacking creating noise in the air. Never leaving a second without touching each other. Jungkook never know this would feel euphoric. He felt he was finally a normal person.

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