22.•••The Heavy Blow Of Realization•••

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"So Jiminie there is nothing wrong with you. Your uterus is completely normal. You are perfectly fertile to conceive. It seems like the problem is something else. Are you sure you are not on pills?"

Jisoo asked just to confirm but Jimin shook his head positively.
Like jisoo said jimin is here for his check up. Taehyung came back from Japan yesterday. Jimin asked about the conference and Taehyung said he attended it. Jimin didn't question him further but the smaller cried the whole night wetting his pillow at the thought of another betrayal. He doesn't know what he deserved to get such a treatment from everyone he loved.

Jimin didn't go to the company with Taehyung today telling a lie that he was not fine. Seeing his husband's concern made Jimin's inside ache at the thought of the same man betraying him behind his back

" Not that I am aware of." Jimin said his throat drying at the thought of his husband.

"Jiminie if something is bothering you please tell me. I can see you are upset with something."

" It's nothing jisoo. I think I should get going." Jimin was embarrassed to talk about his husband to his friend. Jisoo was married to his husband Kai with two beautiful children. Now Jimin envied that.

With a heavy heart he got home, he doesn't know if it was considered his home if there isn't love.

Jimin sat on his bed with a thud throwing away his handbag some where. He wiped his cheeks to get rid of the tears that flowed endlessly.

Jimin laid down and thought about the pills looking at his ceiling. Jimin thought it was ridiculous. Why would he take the pills if every fibre of his being yearns for a baby?

Like a lightning struck Jimin sat up on the bed. His eyes widening at the revealation. Taehyung used to give him vitamin supplements at night telling it helps in conceiving a healthy baby. Being a hopeful one he took it happily.

"What are these pills Tae?" Jimin asked when he was brushing. Taehyung opened the mirror cabinet to take something that's when Jimin noticed the bottle of pills that he haven't seen before. Maybe it was always there but Jimin didn't noticed it till now.

"O-oh t-they are j-just   vitamins."

That day Jimin failed to notice how Taehyungs eyes wavered, how he stuttered and started getting nervous. Jimin thought he was dump as always. He trusts the ones he loves so much that he fail to notice their masks.

Jimin opened the cabinet and took out the bottle, it still had pills. Now that Jimin thinks hard, he had never seen Taehyung taking these pills, only him. Taehyung used to feed him these pills and he took them out of love.

He took one pill and clicked a picture. Maybe jisoo could help him. He didn't get a strip of the pills as Taehyung must have discarded it. But Jimin hoped jisoo could help him.

"How is Krystal?"

"Dhadda.... Dada." A little girl said pushing her mom to see her father's face on the screen of the mobile.

"My baby girl is okay? Daddy is happy." Taehyung have Krystal his boxy smile and the girl mimicked the exact same smile back to her dad.

"Dada dada." Krystal said more like whining. The little girl always missed her daddy. Like any other girls Krystal was Taehyungs princess. The girl could only meet her father occasionally. Taehyung sighed at that. He don't know what to do anymore. It was meant to be a one night stand. He was too much entranced with Krystal's mother and next thing he knew he was going to Japan occasionally to meet with them.
A one night stand became endless night and Krystal came into the picture that's when Taehyung panicked. Every bit of realization happened when he held Krystal for the first time. He became trapped in an endless loop. He couldn't even leave Jimin. Because he was so in love with him. But at the same time he fell in love with Krystal and day by day loved her mother too.

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