24.•••Like A Shadow•••

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Jimin are you still sad that I am going tomorrow babe?" Taehyung softly caressed Jimins shoulder who was lying on his side back facing his husband.

"I am not Tae." Jimin said being careful not to crack his voice.
It has been almost one month of his discovery of his husband's infidelity. Jimin haven't slept nor ate much in these past weeks. He said a lame excuse of taking medicine to improve his condition.

The thought of his husband stopping him from being a mother hurt like no other. It disgusts Jimin to even share a bed with Taehyung after everything.

He started observing Taehyung more and found out the obvious things the older did infront of him that he had no idea of. Late night calls, messages, sending gifts to his daughter. Jimin was so much blind to find  all these when all of it was happening under his nose. He trusted Taehyung so much. Now Jimin hates himself for being this weak. He was easy to be played and broke. Now he doesn't know how to pick his broken pieces again.

Jungkook had once ripped off his heart and broke it into pieces. Now that Jimin thinks. He was so fast to move on. He didn't gave time to mend his broken heart. But Taehyung was there giving him a shoulder to cry. That time Jimin leaned on him finding comfort from the harsh truth.

When Taehyung said he wanted to marry him, Jimin felt so happy. Because someone was ready to make him theirs. To spend the rest of their life with him. He had been chosen. But it just so happen to be made  with lies. So they are here falling apart.

Since that day Jimin haven't allowed anything intimate with his husband. Said many lame excuses. The truth about the pills was too much to take in. Jimin haven't told a soul about the matter.

He doesn't know how to face his innocent parents. They know he had been once wounded. But having to know their son had been betrayed by the most painful way was something Jimin doesn't want them to experience. But it was inevitable. That is why Jimin pushed it this much. After getting the divorce papers they will get to know it and Jimin doesn't ever want that day to come any time soon. He knew he have loved Taehyung at some point even if it doesn't count to how much he loved Jungkook. But he loved the later. Gave him his everything.

Jimin bit his lips hard not to make any sound when his eyes were burning up with incoming tears.

"I miss taking you baby. After your medication is over I can't promise I would be gentle with you." Taehyung said with a playful glint and Jimin clenched his fist in anger. Jimin would show him his place for putting him through so much. He knew where his husband was going tomorrow and Jimin had prepared for everything that's to come apart tomorrow.

Taehyung wrapped his hands around Jimin and slept. Jimin made sure Taehyung was asleep and unwrapped the hands that were holding him.  He got up from the bed and walked towards the window gazing at the moon.

Jungkook once told him he was his moon. A pretty moon. Jimin loved to gaze at moon after that. But after their break up Jimin never appreciated such things. He thought back to the day he slept in Jungkooks embrace in the forest. How much he cried in the shower for wanting Jungkooks warmth. How much he felt that he betrayed his husband. Jimin felt so bad that day. Guilt ate him that's when he got an even more of a bigger blow from his husband. That night Jimin again cried silently.

"Why do you have a luggage with you?"

Jackson saw Jungkook coming towards the breakfast table with a luggage instead of his work bag. Seems like he was going somewhere.

"I am going to Japan."

"Japan? For what? "

"I and Taemin have some business together there" Jungkook said without giving glance to his dad.  Jackson was clueless.

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